ok i eat healthy and all and i come to my dads and eat junk all july of this year and now i loose weight? what in the world? like i still work out just now i eat junk and fish and seafood and stuff
??how??iluv it but how?lol
its because when u eat a lot, your metabolism gets a huge boost and causes u to burn a lot more calories. u lose weight because of this.
however, this will not last. if u continue eating like this, your body gets adjusted and your metabolism goes back to normal, and u will begin to put on weight quickly.
I didn't just understand that.. Use english next time. Um, if I kinda get what you're saying you probably just have a fast metabolism.
You could be losing muscle and gaining fat instead, that would make you lighter. Eating all the junk food is going to put fat on you, irregardless its not healthy for you, it's going to eventually take its toll even though it may not be immediate.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I do sit-ups to loose my stomach, do I need cardio also?
I've started to do sit-ups everyday (3 types of them since July 1.) and I do about 160 of them along with some push-ups, but do I need to run also or am I doing well with my normal routine?I dont eat candy, no fast-food (well, maybe once a month) I just eat the stuff my mom makes at home and I try eating veggies, salads, etc. The only thing is that I don't drink as much water as I should, I usually drink about 2 bottle a day.
Try This
My AB Workout consists of 3 basic exercises. These exercises work on the 3 abdominal groups, worked out in the correct order to get maximum results.1. Leg raises (Rectus Abdominis)
2. Side Crunches ( External/Internal Obliques)
3. Straight Crunches (Transverse Abdominis)Here is how it works. You want to get up to where you are doing 3 sets of 25 reps for each exercise. But start with one set of 15, then 20, then 25. Then start with 2 sets of each, then finally 3 sets. Only allowing a 30 to 45 second break between sets.1. Lie flat on a mat, with your hands placed at your lower back, close to your butt. Now with your legs bent slightly, and toes pointed away from your body, with legs together, lift your legs up 6 inches off the ground. Each rep consists of lifting your legs from 6 inches to 12 inches. You cannot put your legs on the ground till the set is done. Go between 6 inches, to 12 inches, and back. Each time you reach the 6 inch mark, count one rep. Each movement should be one second. One second up, one second down. 2. Lie with your back flat on the mat, your legs should be bent so that your feet are flat on the mat, about shoulder width apart. Your hands should not be behind your head, but place them under your opposite armpits, or chest. Now you curl up, not lifting your lower back off the mat, (these are crunches, not situps) Your rep consists of curling your right elbow towards your left knee, and then the other side. You do not touch your knee. One second up, one second, down. One second other side, one second down. A rep consists of both sides being done. So your rep is done when you have moved up, and down, on each side. (This one you will notice right away)3. Lie the same way as in number 2 above, with the hands in the same position. Now this one you just curl straight up, hold for a second, then back down. Do not jerk yourself up, Curl yourself up. Each rep consists of one up, and one down. Each time you are on the mat with your back, counts as one rep.NOTE: You can do abs every day. But I find if I rest one day a week, I reward myself for sticking with it. GOOD LUCK, and enjoy your SIX PACK.
You need to drink more water, everything in your diet seems to be okay. When you're doing situps you have to take into account to build your back muscles too or you could end up turning into a hunchback, if you build a lot of muscle in your ab area without working on your back too, your stomach can actually pull-in and make your back seem crooked. And as for the cardio, it doesn't hurt to do some cardiovascular exercise every now and then. Happy Exercising to you!
Sit ups are more for toning, Cardio is what burns calories and is what causes you to maintain or lose weight.
cardio is your best bet to lose fat around your midsection. ab workouts will help you strengthen your core and build muscle there, but not until you lose the fat will you be able to see them. Even what we eat at home can be unhealthy, we need to learn how to eat in moderation and make three meals into 6 smaller meals spaced throughout the day. and water is also very important. if you love soft drinks or sugar drinks, that means still alot of calories are being consumed. a lot of people say they don't enjoy food with water, but after drinking water for a while, you will see that nothing else is better for enjoying food. anyways, good luck.
Try This
My AB Workout consists of 3 basic exercises. These exercises work on the 3 abdominal groups, worked out in the correct order to get maximum results.1. Leg raises (Rectus Abdominis)
2. Side Crunches ( External/Internal Obliques)
3. Straight Crunches (Transverse Abdominis)Here is how it works. You want to get up to where you are doing 3 sets of 25 reps for each exercise. But start with one set of 15, then 20, then 25. Then start with 2 sets of each, then finally 3 sets. Only allowing a 30 to 45 second break between sets.1. Lie flat on a mat, with your hands placed at your lower back, close to your butt. Now with your legs bent slightly, and toes pointed away from your body, with legs together, lift your legs up 6 inches off the ground. Each rep consists of lifting your legs from 6 inches to 12 inches. You cannot put your legs on the ground till the set is done. Go between 6 inches, to 12 inches, and back. Each time you reach the 6 inch mark, count one rep. Each movement should be one second. One second up, one second down. 2. Lie with your back flat on the mat, your legs should be bent so that your feet are flat on the mat, about shoulder width apart. Your hands should not be behind your head, but place them under your opposite armpits, or chest. Now you curl up, not lifting your lower back off the mat, (these are crunches, not situps) Your rep consists of curling your right elbow towards your left knee, and then the other side. You do not touch your knee. One second up, one second, down. One second other side, one second down. A rep consists of both sides being done. So your rep is done when you have moved up, and down, on each side. (This one you will notice right away)3. Lie the same way as in number 2 above, with the hands in the same position. Now this one you just curl straight up, hold for a second, then back down. Do not jerk yourself up, Curl yourself up. Each rep consists of one up, and one down. Each time you are on the mat with your back, counts as one rep.NOTE: You can do abs every day. But I find if I rest one day a week, I reward myself for sticking with it. GOOD LUCK, and enjoy your SIX PACK.
You need to drink more water, everything in your diet seems to be okay. When you're doing situps you have to take into account to build your back muscles too or you could end up turning into a hunchback, if you build a lot of muscle in your ab area without working on your back too, your stomach can actually pull-in and make your back seem crooked. And as for the cardio, it doesn't hurt to do some cardiovascular exercise every now and then. Happy Exercising to you!
Sit ups are more for toning, Cardio is what burns calories and is what causes you to maintain or lose weight.
cardio is your best bet to lose fat around your midsection. ab workouts will help you strengthen your core and build muscle there, but not until you lose the fat will you be able to see them. Even what we eat at home can be unhealthy, we need to learn how to eat in moderation and make three meals into 6 smaller meals spaced throughout the day. and water is also very important. if you love soft drinks or sugar drinks, that means still alot of calories are being consumed. a lot of people say they don't enjoy food with water, but after drinking water for a while, you will see that nothing else is better for enjoying food. anyways, good luck.
I do exercise a lot but I'm not any slimmer.Why?What shall I do?
I walk a long distances(really long ones as we live outside of town),ride a bike and run every day.I'm also going for walks for my dog a lot.But the problems is I'm not any slimmer.My legs are strong(which is good)but not thinner!!Why??What shall I do?:-(
Hi DiianaThe one thing you have to try and be here, is patient. Give it time!! There is a great guy who may be able to help.He runs a great site with lots of free info and I totally recommend him and you can check him out here honey.http://kirksmiths.com/promotions/weight_...
Eat more healthier
Less fat %26 sugar in your diet should do the trick
You sound very athletic and most guys prefer that in a woman.You see some women who are too slim and that cant be healthy..
stop eatting pie
You have to add in a healthy diet with your active lifestyle. They go hand in hand.
Look at exercise at accounts payable and diet as accounts receivable. You can get a pretty accurate balance sheet of caloric loss and gain by looking at the values of what you eat and estimates of what you burn by exercising (I know you can find that kind of information on the Internet). Beyond that, it may simply be genetics. You may just have to make peace with your body.
Excercise does not make you slim, unless if you are overweight. Excercise builds up muscle, and makes you fit. Slimming is an entirely different thing... Here's a good article on how to slim legs:http://www.jurgita.com/articles-id176.ht...Hope it all goes well for you!
Eat less junk food, thats the ticket.
You have to exercise a LOT to lose weight, if that's what you mean. Try eating fewer carbs, unless they are whole grain (first ingredient in any product must say "whole"). I just checked with my doctor and asked him which was worse - fat or carbs. He said carbs for sure. That doesn't mean you can just eat a lot of fat, but eat monounsaturated fats - olive oil, for instance. Stay away from high glycemic foods - potatoes, fruit, etc. that have a lot of sugar or convert quickly to sugar (carbs).Most of all, accept your body as it is. It is part of what makes you, you! Good luck!
Losing weight isn't all about exercise. If your not changing your diet, then that could be why you aren't losing weight. Cut out the soft drinks and candies, except dark chocolate. Eat one bar a day. Drink water instead. Eat fish 2x's a week or more. Eat lots of fruits and veggies, but not more than the daily recommended values. Take vitamins to insure your getting your daily values. Eat a good breakfast like the Special K breakfast, or yogurt, toast(lowfat, if any butter),and orange juice. Make sure all your meals are well portioned. Don't eat till your full, only till your not hungry anymore.
Do more butt exercise than other exercises.
Like just stand straight thn do ups and downs
You are doing the right thing.Now, you probably have to adjust some of your eating to get slim.Avoid or reduce the following:
White flour products, white rice, pastry, sugar and sugary drinks, and fats. (Alcohol too)Eat a lot of veggies, beans, lean meat, fish and poultry, fruit, whole flour products, etc.A change in your eating habits will change the quality of calories you intake and will lessen the amount of sugar (which if not burn immediately becomes fat), and fat you store in you body. Give it a try for a month or so and see what happens. You do not have to be totally strict, a snack every once in a while is alright too.
An "athletic" fit woman is attractive, as you know.
If you exercise too much/ overdue it at one time you can put your body in a state of stress which will cause it to release cortisol and thus store fat. Look at the foods you eat and how often you are eating. Small healthy meals every few hours raises you metabolism. You also want to make sure you are not eating foods that will cause insulin spikes like simple sugars, most carbs . Carbs that come from whole grains, veggies and most fruits are good carbs and crucial for optimum health. Berries are the best source for fruit . You want to eat foods with a low glycemic index so that you don't get those insulin spikes. Protein foods help keep you feeling fuller longer but don't go crazy on the protein. Since you exercise a lot I would stay within the 60 grams a day range but too much protein can tax the liver. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Water also helps rid the body of fat and helps the body not to store water which makes you appear heavier. Do not eat before bed. Your metabolism slows during sleep.
How long have you been doing this exercise routine? It sounds fine, and given time will produce results. These things don't happen quickly though, sorry! Keep at it and don't lose too much motivation.
Diiana, I don't see why you wanna have a slimmer legs instead be proud of yourself if they are strong, I love to see those legs , whooo that's what all men like to see, go ahead show us those strong legs baby, why don't you send me some pictures ?
Hi DiianaThe one thing you have to try and be here, is patient. Give it time!! There is a great guy who may be able to help.He runs a great site with lots of free info and I totally recommend him and you can check him out here honey.http://kirksmiths.com/promotions/weight_...
Eat more healthier
Less fat %26 sugar in your diet should do the trick
You sound very athletic and most guys prefer that in a woman.You see some women who are too slim and that cant be healthy..
stop eatting pie
You have to add in a healthy diet with your active lifestyle. They go hand in hand.
Look at exercise at accounts payable and diet as accounts receivable. You can get a pretty accurate balance sheet of caloric loss and gain by looking at the values of what you eat and estimates of what you burn by exercising (I know you can find that kind of information on the Internet). Beyond that, it may simply be genetics. You may just have to make peace with your body.
Excercise does not make you slim, unless if you are overweight. Excercise builds up muscle, and makes you fit. Slimming is an entirely different thing... Here's a good article on how to slim legs:http://www.jurgita.com/articles-id176.ht...Hope it all goes well for you!
Eat less junk food, thats the ticket.
You have to exercise a LOT to lose weight, if that's what you mean. Try eating fewer carbs, unless they are whole grain (first ingredient in any product must say "whole"). I just checked with my doctor and asked him which was worse - fat or carbs. He said carbs for sure. That doesn't mean you can just eat a lot of fat, but eat monounsaturated fats - olive oil, for instance. Stay away from high glycemic foods - potatoes, fruit, etc. that have a lot of sugar or convert quickly to sugar (carbs).Most of all, accept your body as it is. It is part of what makes you, you! Good luck!
Losing weight isn't all about exercise. If your not changing your diet, then that could be why you aren't losing weight. Cut out the soft drinks and candies, except dark chocolate. Eat one bar a day. Drink water instead. Eat fish 2x's a week or more. Eat lots of fruits and veggies, but not more than the daily recommended values. Take vitamins to insure your getting your daily values. Eat a good breakfast like the Special K breakfast, or yogurt, toast(lowfat, if any butter),and orange juice. Make sure all your meals are well portioned. Don't eat till your full, only till your not hungry anymore.
Do more butt exercise than other exercises.
Like just stand straight thn do ups and downs
You are doing the right thing.Now, you probably have to adjust some of your eating to get slim.Avoid or reduce the following:
White flour products, white rice, pastry, sugar and sugary drinks, and fats. (Alcohol too)Eat a lot of veggies, beans, lean meat, fish and poultry, fruit, whole flour products, etc.A change in your eating habits will change the quality of calories you intake and will lessen the amount of sugar (which if not burn immediately becomes fat), and fat you store in you body. Give it a try for a month or so and see what happens. You do not have to be totally strict, a snack every once in a while is alright too.
An "athletic" fit woman is attractive, as you know.
If you exercise too much/ overdue it at one time you can put your body in a state of stress which will cause it to release cortisol and thus store fat. Look at the foods you eat and how often you are eating. Small healthy meals every few hours raises you metabolism. You also want to make sure you are not eating foods that will cause insulin spikes like simple sugars, most carbs . Carbs that come from whole grains, veggies and most fruits are good carbs and crucial for optimum health. Berries are the best source for fruit . You want to eat foods with a low glycemic index so that you don't get those insulin spikes. Protein foods help keep you feeling fuller longer but don't go crazy on the protein. Since you exercise a lot I would stay within the 60 grams a day range but too much protein can tax the liver. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Water also helps rid the body of fat and helps the body not to store water which makes you appear heavier. Do not eat before bed. Your metabolism slows during sleep.
How long have you been doing this exercise routine? It sounds fine, and given time will produce results. These things don't happen quickly though, sorry! Keep at it and don't lose too much motivation.
Diiana, I don't see why you wanna have a slimmer legs instead be proud of yourself if they are strong, I love to see those legs , whooo that's what all men like to see, go ahead show us those strong legs baby, why don't you send me some pictures ?
I do 2hours of exercise a day how many calories &.......should i be eating?
caloriesgrams of fatgrams of sat fatgrams of carbsgrams of fibregrams of protine
Forget about counting. I didn't, just eat healthily and lost 31lbs.Try these
1) Eat 5 to 6 times a day.
2) Eat lots of veggies, lean meat and complex carbs
(low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein.)
3) Reduce sugar intake and simple carbs. They make
you hungry fast.Cut junk food .
4) Take 2 to 3 cups of low fat milk, cheese, yoghurt.
5) Choose an exercise that you like and will do for life.I am on low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein and an hour brisk walk every weekday morning.
And I am still at 108 lbs since I lost 31 lbs one year ago.More details in my blog. Xiaozhen
Forget about counting. I didn't, just eat healthily and lost 31lbs.Try these
1) Eat 5 to 6 times a day.
2) Eat lots of veggies, lean meat and complex carbs
(low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein.)
3) Reduce sugar intake and simple carbs. They make
you hungry fast.Cut junk food .
4) Take 2 to 3 cups of low fat milk, cheese, yoghurt.
5) Choose an exercise that you like and will do for life.I am on low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein and an hour brisk walk every weekday morning.
And I am still at 108 lbs since I lost 31 lbs one year ago.More details in my blog. Xiaozhen
I desperately want to loose weight but quiet fast,i don't really ind what kind of diet it is.?
Cut down on breads and starches (rice, potatoes, pastas), refined sugars. Gradually ease off.Get most of your calories from meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts. If you get used to eating whole, nutrient dense foods, you'll find you won't be so hungry between meals.Exercise. Walk, jog, lift weights (start slow, avoid injuries).Drink water. Cut down on soft drinks, artificial sweetners, you'll find your taste for sugar diminishes.
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It will change your life:)
Try Kimkins...You will have quick results. Check out the before and after photos. I have lost 18 pounds in almost three weekshttp://www.kimkins.com/726.html...
To successfully lose weight, you must carry out
a plan to balance your caloric intake with exercise.
Ideally, dieting should be done by eating a nutritionally
balanced, low-calorie diet and increasing physical activity.
I found useful informations at
I decided to get myself a personal trainer and have a fitness assesment scheduled for wed.what should i expect
i know i will have to deal with calipers don't know where she will pinch or what other tests i'll undergo. is there anything i can do to prepare?
Just buy some Advil to eat after the fact, cause your body is going to hurt really bad after the work out your trainer will make you under go. You will be sore for a day or two.Don't get scared. The trainer needs to know in what physical condition you are in. So, he/she will take your weight, height, age, measure your waist line, calculate BMI. Show you the equipment in a gym. Explain you how to use and what schedule to follow based on your day/eve/weekend schedule.
They would also talk about nutrition, some do's and don't before and after your workout. Some of them will even do a workout with you. One very important thing, find out whether the trainer is certified and how much experience he/she has. Take referals and make phone calls to his/her customers and find out.
You want someone with whom you will be comfortable with.All in all have fun.
It will be a very light run through of different exercises to assess your strength and form. Be prepared to explain to her exactly what your goals are so she can tailor a regimine that fits it. Just wear something your going to be comfortable in.Have a light meal 1-2 hours before you go just to give you enough energy. A small apple and a piece of lean protein, perhaps chicken breast or white fish.It should be an enjoyable experience, her job is to make you feel as comfortable as possible. Also, if you have any questions about diet or "myths" about diet and exercise (like eating after a certain time) this would be a good time to ask away! Ask about foods, sleep, meal timing etc.
Most trainers don't use calipers anymore. They have a machine that you stand on (similar to a scale) that will measure your percentage of body fat. You have to take off your shoes before stepping onto the device. They will also be taking your measurements. Then, you will probably go through a 10 minute cardio warm-up and a basic resistance training workout. They end it with a sales pitch to try and get you to buy their personal training services. I recommend getting some bodybuilding magazines and designing your own wokout routine and fitness goals. If you're a self-motivated person, you will be saving yourself a great deal of cash.
Just buy some Advil to eat after the fact, cause your body is going to hurt really bad after the work out your trainer will make you under go. You will be sore for a day or two.Don't get scared. The trainer needs to know in what physical condition you are in. So, he/she will take your weight, height, age, measure your waist line, calculate BMI. Show you the equipment in a gym. Explain you how to use and what schedule to follow based on your day/eve/weekend schedule.
They would also talk about nutrition, some do's and don't before and after your workout. Some of them will even do a workout with you. One very important thing, find out whether the trainer is certified and how much experience he/she has. Take referals and make phone calls to his/her customers and find out.
You want someone with whom you will be comfortable with.All in all have fun.
It will be a very light run through of different exercises to assess your strength and form. Be prepared to explain to her exactly what your goals are so she can tailor a regimine that fits it. Just wear something your going to be comfortable in.Have a light meal 1-2 hours before you go just to give you enough energy. A small apple and a piece of lean protein, perhaps chicken breast or white fish.It should be an enjoyable experience, her job is to make you feel as comfortable as possible. Also, if you have any questions about diet or "myths" about diet and exercise (like eating after a certain time) this would be a good time to ask away! Ask about foods, sleep, meal timing etc.
Most trainers don't use calipers anymore. They have a machine that you stand on (similar to a scale) that will measure your percentage of body fat. You have to take off your shoes before stepping onto the device. They will also be taking your measurements. Then, you will probably go through a 10 minute cardio warm-up and a basic resistance training workout. They end it with a sales pitch to try and get you to buy their personal training services. I recommend getting some bodybuilding magazines and designing your own wokout routine and fitness goals. If you're a self-motivated person, you will be saving yourself a great deal of cash.
I decided not to eat at IHOP but how many calories would be in this meal?
You get four pancakes with syrup.
a little whip cream is on top
with strawberries
and I would have orderd a side of potato hash brown
And a glass of chocolate milk
and of course a little extra strawberry syrup on top.How much calories would I have eaten if I ate that?
Each pancake has 110 calorie and 3 grams of fat x 4=440 calories 12 grams of fat + syrup 50 calories per tablespoon + 197 calorie 12 grams of fat + 158 calories choclate milk + 30 calories strawberries=approx. 900 calories and 25 grams of fat. That is with one portion of potatos and milk. I am not sure how big their portions are.
My best guess is over 1300 calories.
Too many. However, it's also pure junk. The pancakes are white flour loaded with sugar. The whipped cream is fat and sugar. I've not had the strawberry topping there, but it looks as though it's fake strawberry flavored high fructose corn syrup with some real strawberries thrown in for taste and looks. The potatoes are pure grease. The chocolate milk (basically) is also just sugar and flavorings. The syrups, the strawberry and maple flavored, are both very likely just fake flavored high fructose corn syrup. When I do go to IHOP now, I just order a bowl of bean chili (it's very rare to find a vegetarian chili at a non-vegetarian restaurant) and a baked potato. They also have the token veggie burger, but it comes with white bread, which I do not like.When I do go out for pancakes, I go to Cracker Barrell. Yes, it's still white flour, but they tatse better and are less dry. They also at least use real maple syrup. However, I only do pancakes out when I'm out with others and that's the only vegan thing on the menu.My husband and I make pancakes at home, using Hodgston Mills whole grain mix (it's even cheaper than Bisquick) with bananas, apple sauce and/or canned pumpkin for the eggs and oil. (For what it's worth to you, bananas, canned pumpkin and apple sauce work for egg substitutes in most recipes. Apple sauce works for oil substitute in most baking recipes.) For topping, we use real maple syrup and Smart Balance Light and natural fruit spread. I hope this helps.
i say it would be somewhere from 120-140 calories
a little whip cream is on top
with strawberries
and I would have orderd a side of potato hash brown
And a glass of chocolate milk
and of course a little extra strawberry syrup on top.How much calories would I have eaten if I ate that?
Each pancake has 110 calorie and 3 grams of fat x 4=440 calories 12 grams of fat + syrup 50 calories per tablespoon + 197 calorie 12 grams of fat + 158 calories choclate milk + 30 calories strawberries=approx. 900 calories and 25 grams of fat. That is with one portion of potatos and milk. I am not sure how big their portions are.
My best guess is over 1300 calories.
Too many. However, it's also pure junk. The pancakes are white flour loaded with sugar. The whipped cream is fat and sugar. I've not had the strawberry topping there, but it looks as though it's fake strawberry flavored high fructose corn syrup with some real strawberries thrown in for taste and looks. The potatoes are pure grease. The chocolate milk (basically) is also just sugar and flavorings. The syrups, the strawberry and maple flavored, are both very likely just fake flavored high fructose corn syrup. When I do go to IHOP now, I just order a bowl of bean chili (it's very rare to find a vegetarian chili at a non-vegetarian restaurant) and a baked potato. They also have the token veggie burger, but it comes with white bread, which I do not like.When I do go out for pancakes, I go to Cracker Barrell. Yes, it's still white flour, but they tatse better and are less dry. They also at least use real maple syrup. However, I only do pancakes out when I'm out with others and that's the only vegan thing on the menu.My husband and I make pancakes at home, using Hodgston Mills whole grain mix (it's even cheaper than Bisquick) with bananas, apple sauce and/or canned pumpkin for the eggs and oil. (For what it's worth to you, bananas, canned pumpkin and apple sauce work for egg substitutes in most recipes. Apple sauce works for oil substitute in most baking recipes.) For topping, we use real maple syrup and Smart Balance Light and natural fruit spread. I hope this helps.
i say it would be somewhere from 120-140 calories
I creatine really that bad?
I've taken Creatine many times over and found it to be very helpful, I've gotten massive gains and I'm able to lift more and perform at a higher state. So how bad is it? I value your opinions.
First, let me say that I am definitely not a doctor. With that said...Anything taken to an extreme can be bad for you. Too much of a good thing, so to speak.Creatine consists of three amino acids: Arginine, Glycine and Methionine. Our bodies naturally produce creatine to supply our muscles with energy. After production in the kidneys, liver, and pancreas, creatine flows to our muscles via the blood stream. Once there, creatine acts like a gas pump for your muscles. In order to build muscle, your body converts creatine to creatine phosphate (phosphocreatine). So, then, what is creatine phosphate? It regenerates the muscle鈥檚 primary energy source, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This ATP is the fuel that powers your muscles. When working out, ATP is depleted rapidly. Creatine helps make new ATP to keep your muscles from running low. The amino acids described above are fairly common, so I don't believe that taking creatine would be harmful. I have used creatine for years without any ill effects. Definitely don't use more than the recommended amount.
Since it increases your muscular force, you'll be able to lift more weight. However, since your body is not used to carry that much weight, your joints will pay for the excess. This will occur in the worst of the cases though.
I am in the millitary and use it for a long time,i had no problems with it but you must drink at least 1 to 2 gals of water a day to stay hydrated on it.If you dont you can have major problems down the road.
First, let me say that I am definitely not a doctor. With that said...Anything taken to an extreme can be bad for you. Too much of a good thing, so to speak.Creatine consists of three amino acids: Arginine, Glycine and Methionine. Our bodies naturally produce creatine to supply our muscles with energy. After production in the kidneys, liver, and pancreas, creatine flows to our muscles via the blood stream. Once there, creatine acts like a gas pump for your muscles. In order to build muscle, your body converts creatine to creatine phosphate (phosphocreatine). So, then, what is creatine phosphate? It regenerates the muscle鈥檚 primary energy source, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This ATP is the fuel that powers your muscles. When working out, ATP is depleted rapidly. Creatine helps make new ATP to keep your muscles from running low. The amino acids described above are fairly common, so I don't believe that taking creatine would be harmful. I have used creatine for years without any ill effects. Definitely don't use more than the recommended amount.
Since it increases your muscular force, you'll be able to lift more weight. However, since your body is not used to carry that much weight, your joints will pay for the excess. This will occur in the worst of the cases though.
I am in the millitary and use it for a long time,i had no problems with it but you must drink at least 1 to 2 gals of water a day to stay hydrated on it.If you dont you can have major problems down the road.
I could feel my heart beat in my stomach and im worried!?
recently i have been on a strict diet eating veggies and fruits no fats for a week I could tell that i have lost wieght and my stomach is not as big . I'm 17 and before I started to diet i was 133 pounds. Recently I could feel my heart beat in my stomach when i"m laying down. Its kind of freaking me out. I don't know if i should go to the doctors or tell some one. I did a little research and some say its normal some say either way i sould see a doctor. What should i do?
Makes me wonder where you went to research this. Your blood pumps all throughout your body. I certainly hope you are getting blood flow to your tummy. It just becomes more noticable when you lay down because your muscles are at rest. Standing up they are tensed so you can keep balanced. When you are relaxed your muscles move with your pulse. It probably has happened before, but since you started dieting you were paying more attention to that area.
While you may be feeling your heartbeat, in all likelihood what you are really feeling is called peristalsis. Peristalsis is the wave-like motion that carries food down your esophagus from your mouth into your stomach. It is an involuntary bodily action that is continuous. Involuntary means you cannot control it.
You are feeling your abdominal aorta. Please read about abdominal aortic aneurysm at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/... It is quite unlikely, at age 17, that you have this condition; your weight loss has made your abdominal fat pad thinner and that may be the cause. Only a physician can rule out AAA, however. If you are concerned, and you sound concerned, please see a physician. AAA can be ruled out very quickly and easily.
Are you worried that maybe your heart fell to your stomach? Its not likely. It could simply be your pulse. When its very quiet, I hear my heart in my ears (more so when I'm congested) and I can see my pulse in my wrist too. I wouldnt be worried about it.
Makes me wonder where you went to research this. Your blood pumps all throughout your body. I certainly hope you are getting blood flow to your tummy. It just becomes more noticable when you lay down because your muscles are at rest. Standing up they are tensed so you can keep balanced. When you are relaxed your muscles move with your pulse. It probably has happened before, but since you started dieting you were paying more attention to that area.
While you may be feeling your heartbeat, in all likelihood what you are really feeling is called peristalsis. Peristalsis is the wave-like motion that carries food down your esophagus from your mouth into your stomach. It is an involuntary bodily action that is continuous. Involuntary means you cannot control it.
You are feeling your abdominal aorta. Please read about abdominal aortic aneurysm at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/... It is quite unlikely, at age 17, that you have this condition; your weight loss has made your abdominal fat pad thinner and that may be the cause. Only a physician can rule out AAA, however. If you are concerned, and you sound concerned, please see a physician. AAA can be ruled out very quickly and easily.
Are you worried that maybe your heart fell to your stomach? Its not likely. It could simply be your pulse. When its very quiet, I hear my heart in my ears (more so when I'm congested) and I can see my pulse in my wrist too. I wouldnt be worried about it.
I cheated on my diet, will I gain weight??
Last weekend I had cake because it was my cousin's birthday, and yesterday I had a smidge of ice cream with some fruit, today I had to have cake because it was my dad's birthday. :S Ugh I feel so bad.Mind you today and yesterday I still worked out just like any other day. Will I gain weight?
I do not know what diet you are on, but if you go on Weight Watchers you can eat cake every day as long as you count the points. In fact, Weight Watchers packages small cakes with frosting that are only one point each. Most people (woman) get about 24 points per day. Other cake might be 5 to 7 points depending on the size of the slice. In any case, don't beat yourself up for "slipping," pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again at the very next meal. You may gain a pound or two, but it will come right back off if you don't let it bother you. People are people and people slip up once in a while. No one has ever been successful for long if they beat themselves up every time they slip up.
I never do when I cheat a little, but if you do it will be very small
It all depends on whether the cake and ice cream and other stuff put your calorie intake at way more than your body needed for those days. Working out will help prevent weight gain, but you have to put everything into perspective.
it depends on what kind of diet you were on. if you were starving yourself lets say, then yes you would gain the weight back. but im sure you're fine
I do not know what diet you are on, but if you go on Weight Watchers you can eat cake every day as long as you count the points. In fact, Weight Watchers packages small cakes with frosting that are only one point each. Most people (woman) get about 24 points per day. Other cake might be 5 to 7 points depending on the size of the slice. In any case, don't beat yourself up for "slipping," pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again at the very next meal. You may gain a pound or two, but it will come right back off if you don't let it bother you. People are people and people slip up once in a while. No one has ever been successful for long if they beat themselves up every time they slip up.
I never do when I cheat a little, but if you do it will be very small
It all depends on whether the cake and ice cream and other stuff put your calorie intake at way more than your body needed for those days. Working out will help prevent weight gain, but you have to put everything into perspective.
it depends on what kind of diet you were on. if you were starving yourself lets say, then yes you would gain the weight back. but im sure you're fine
alright i basically changed my whole entire eating habits . i used to eat whole tubs of icecream in 1 day and 8 waffels battered in butter and syrup and 2 years ago i remember going to mcdonalds everyday in the summer during lunch im 16 now and im trying to change that . im not overweght at all i just want to be healthy but i want to eat things that taste good! sometimes its really hard to do .. is there anything healthy i can eat that tastes good and is EASY to buy or make
all i can think of is a swisscheese sandwich on rye bread with tomatoe and olive oil and bran cereal so anysuggestions other than fruits and vegis ( i eat thoes already)
P.S im a vegetarian
If you eat eggs then omelets are great- you can add different veggies, cheeses, and even fake sausage, and fake ham. They are quick and a good source of protein. I like tomato and cheese sandwiches.
Keep eating garbage. Train your body to accept a 4000+ cal/day diet. Once you start eating healthy it throws your metabolism off. If that doesn't work you can always eat garbage then throw it up. Oh yeah go back to eating meat. God gave you k-9 and incisors for a reason. Exercise being an omnivore and being on the top of the food chain.
I follow is . I find its the easiest thing out there.http://www.drsears.com/foodblockguide.pa... Fat
At every meal, you must eat an adequate amount of good fats. Good fats include Omega-3 EPA/DHA concentrates and monounsaturated fats like extra virgin olive oil, almonds, and natural peanut butter. Bad fats include trans fatty acids found in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and Arachidonic Acid (AA) found in fatty red meats and egg yolks.
2. Protein
To keep your insulin levels in the Zone at every meal, you must always consume adequate amounts of low-fat protein (about the size of the palm of your hand or about 3 ounces for most females and 4 ounces for most males). A typical snack contains 1 ounce of protein for both women and men. The best protein sources are skinless chicken, fish, turkey, lean cuts of meat, low-fat dairy products, egg whites, protein powder and soy meat substitutes.
3. Carbohydrates
In addition to good fats and protein, you must also eat carbohydrates at every meal and snack. However, not all carbohydrates have the same effect on insulin levels. Starches (like pasta, potatoes and bread), grains and rice elevate insulin levels too much, whereas, most vegetables and fruits do not spike insulin levels (a few exceptions are corn, peas, bananas and dried fruits). While this doesn’t mean you have to completely eliminate starches, grains and rice from your diet, you must eat much smaller quantities of them compared to your intake of vegetables and fruits.
It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.
The Zone 1-2-3 Method makes it simple to determine the fat, protein and carbohydrate content of every meal and snack. For every gram of fat you consume you need to eat twice as many grams of protein and 3 times that amount in grams of carbohydrates.
Meals for Females
At each meal consume approximately:
10 grams of fat
20 grams of protein (2x the fat grams)
30 grams of carbohydrate (3x the fat grams)Snacks for Females
At each snack consume approximately:
3 grams of fat
6 grams of protein (2x the fat grams)
9 grams of carbohydrate (3x the fat grams)Meals for Males
At each meal consume approximately:
15 grams of fat
30 grams of protein (2x the fat grams)
45 grams of carbohydrate (3x the fat grams)Snacks for Males
At each snack consume approximately:
3 grams of fat
6 grams of protein (2x the fat grams)
9 grams of carbohydrate (3x the fat grams)
The 1-2-3 method is an easy way to make sure you get the right balance of fat, protein and carbohydrates to “turn on” a fat-burning metabolism and satisfy hunger at the same time. Remember, the above numbers are approximate. So don’t worry about being 100% precise. Hunger control between meals and how your clothes fit are your best barometers for success.
Eat a Zone meal or snack within one hour after waking. To keep your insulin levels in the Zone so you are burning stored fat instead of accumulating it, eat every 4 to 6 hours after a meal or 2 to 2½ hours after a snack (including one at bedtime), whether you are hungry or not.Liquid
Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.
Omelets are good. I also make ramen noodles (try the spicy noodles - yummy!), without the seasoning mix, and make a sort of fried rice mixture with them - cook the noodles, fry up a scrambled egg and stir it in, maybe add a bit of fake meat chopped fine.PB%26J is a good vegetarian lunch sandwich - cheap and easy. You shouldn't eat them for every meal, due to the fat content of PB, but they're good for a treat. Try a wrap - put the sandwich fixings on a flour tortilla and roll it up. This works for PB%26J, even. :)There are a wide variety of soups available that are low fat, vegetarian, and delicious. Get used to reading soup labels, and see what you can find at the local grocer.Good luck!
all i can think of is a swisscheese sandwich on rye bread with tomatoe and olive oil and bran cereal so anysuggestions other than fruits and vegis ( i eat thoes already)
P.S im a vegetarian
If you eat eggs then omelets are great- you can add different veggies, cheeses, and even fake sausage, and fake ham. They are quick and a good source of protein. I like tomato and cheese sandwiches.
Keep eating garbage. Train your body to accept a 4000+ cal/day diet. Once you start eating healthy it throws your metabolism off. If that doesn't work you can always eat garbage then throw it up. Oh yeah go back to eating meat. God gave you k-9 and incisors for a reason. Exercise being an omnivore and being on the top of the food chain.
I follow is . I find its the easiest thing out there.http://www.drsears.com/foodblockguide.pa... Fat
At every meal, you must eat an adequate amount of good fats. Good fats include Omega-3 EPA/DHA concentrates and monounsaturated fats like extra virgin olive oil, almonds, and natural peanut butter. Bad fats include trans fatty acids found in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and Arachidonic Acid (AA) found in fatty red meats and egg yolks.
2. Protein
To keep your insulin levels in the Zone at every meal, you must always consume adequate amounts of low-fat protein (about the size of the palm of your hand or about 3 ounces for most females and 4 ounces for most males). A typical snack contains 1 ounce of protein for both women and men. The best protein sources are skinless chicken, fish, turkey, lean cuts of meat, low-fat dairy products, egg whites, protein powder and soy meat substitutes.
3. Carbohydrates
In addition to good fats and protein, you must also eat carbohydrates at every meal and snack. However, not all carbohydrates have the same effect on insulin levels. Starches (like pasta, potatoes and bread), grains and rice elevate insulin levels too much, whereas, most vegetables and fruits do not spike insulin levels (a few exceptions are corn, peas, bananas and dried fruits). While this doesn’t mean you have to completely eliminate starches, grains and rice from your diet, you must eat much smaller quantities of them compared to your intake of vegetables and fruits.
It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.
The Zone 1-2-3 Method makes it simple to determine the fat, protein and carbohydrate content of every meal and snack. For every gram of fat you consume you need to eat twice as many grams of protein and 3 times that amount in grams of carbohydrates.
Meals for Females
At each meal consume approximately:
10 grams of fat
20 grams of protein (2x the fat grams)
30 grams of carbohydrate (3x the fat grams)Snacks for Females
At each snack consume approximately:
3 grams of fat
6 grams of protein (2x the fat grams)
9 grams of carbohydrate (3x the fat grams)Meals for Males
At each meal consume approximately:
15 grams of fat
30 grams of protein (2x the fat grams)
45 grams of carbohydrate (3x the fat grams)Snacks for Males
At each snack consume approximately:
3 grams of fat
6 grams of protein (2x the fat grams)
9 grams of carbohydrate (3x the fat grams)
The 1-2-3 method is an easy way to make sure you get the right balance of fat, protein and carbohydrates to “turn on” a fat-burning metabolism and satisfy hunger at the same time. Remember, the above numbers are approximate. So don’t worry about being 100% precise. Hunger control between meals and how your clothes fit are your best barometers for success.
Eat a Zone meal or snack within one hour after waking. To keep your insulin levels in the Zone so you are burning stored fat instead of accumulating it, eat every 4 to 6 hours after a meal or 2 to 2½ hours after a snack (including one at bedtime), whether you are hungry or not.Liquid
Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.
Omelets are good. I also make ramen noodles (try the spicy noodles - yummy!), without the seasoning mix, and make a sort of fried rice mixture with them - cook the noodles, fry up a scrambled egg and stir it in, maybe add a bit of fake meat chopped fine.PB%26J is a good vegetarian lunch sandwich - cheap and easy. You shouldn't eat them for every meal, due to the fat content of PB, but they're good for a treat. Try a wrap - put the sandwich fixings on a flour tortilla and roll it up. This works for PB%26J, even. :)There are a wide variety of soups available that are low fat, vegetarian, and delicious. Get used to reading soup labels, and see what you can find at the local grocer.Good luck!
I cant think rational about food anymore?
Hi,to cut a long story short i have suffered with bulimia and now go through periods where i will eat very little. i cant seem to think rationally about food anymore or eat anything without thinking how bad it is for me, cus it seems nothing is good for you anymore! i lost a lot of weight the past few months, i dont eat fatty food and eat very little chocolate, infact i wouldnt eat 1 whole bar at a time, i eat weetabix in low fat milk and banna for breakfast, maybe a sandwich for lunch, consisting of a slice of brown bread and ham (no butter) during the day i might eat one or two small apples and a low fat yogurt, tea i would have some meat ..usually chicken or turkery with a salad.the only time i think i reaaaaallly commit a sin is when i sometimes have a bowl of sultana bran or weetabicx in the evening.it feels like no matter what you do the scales are determined by what you eat no matter how small, like fruit has sugar in it, cereal, full of carbs, i dont know what...
HiI'm exactly in the same situation as u are and i can honestly say that i am sooooo sick (no pun intended) of having my whole life revolved around food. My problem is boredome god forbid when i have nothing to do i just binge. Though this month i've managed to try and change this outlook on food and i feel like the best thing that works with me is to binge on fruit. Each time your about to relapse instead of binging on junk which i used to always do then get rid of it after, i just eat as much fruit as i can, because the sugar in fruit is natural not fatning and the carbs of fruit are easily and quickly absorbed by your metabolism which will help a lot (pesonal expirience) as due to the eating disorder will have made it very slow and sluggish. Also u'l find that youl be going to the bathroom alot more for your no. 2's (gross i knw) All i'm saying is that even though i dont i'll think about food as just food anymore but more like an obsticle i can still try and control behaviour towards it. I still binge and purge every now and then but not 2 o 3 times a day like before,only when im really depressed. Its not easy but babysteps. Thats all i can say. So just remember you can have fruit and vegetables mostly greens because they dont make you fat. My outlook is to try and aim to not think about "not getting fat" but more in terms of "if i eat healthy then how can i get fat?" so thats keeping me going just now.please give it a try and if you need to talk to me just e-mail me and i can get ur msn or sumthn ksash332@yahoo.co.uk
THROW THE SCALES AWAY! You are letting an inanimate object aka the scales control your emotions.
http://www.rawfoods.com/if you follow the advice on that site youll be eating as healthily as is humanly possible and wont need to feel guilty=)
It's very hard once you've had an eating disorder. When I recovered from anorexia, I had to relearn how to eat and listen to my body. You have to do this or you will either remain too thin or start compulsively eating and gain too much weight. A book called How To Become Naturally Thin by Eating More by Jean Antonello really helped me a lot. Good luck!!
eat lots of white fish. it can be cooked in a fish steamer with herbs and is good for you and free of additives. rosemary conley has a good cookbook that has excellent low fat recipes in itany of the jamie oliver cookbooks are good too. he doesnt use additives
Definitely add a dietitian. They are honest about what is and what isn't good for you as well as helping you to get the proper nutrients even if you aren't eating enough yet. The important thing isn't how much you aren't eating, but making sure your body is getting the nutrition that it needs to exist. It will take some time, but you will heal. Soon you will be able to see a difference in your appetite and your view on food.
Take your time, don't stress, trust the people in your life who are trying to help and care about you.
Hope that helps.
I'll say it one more time... It's all about the book! (you know, the one I plugged; eat right 4 your type)Seriously. Lots of little things like; there are almost certainly some types of sugars and carbs you can digest better and make better internal use of than others. Probably also some types of foods that could be contributing to depression... Knowing about the differences can make all the difference. And it doesn't just tell you in some general way that's less useful but there are even recipes and whatnot.Most importantly it all ties in to your health and that includes mental health and can have a natural, chemical impact, assisting with depression and a lot of other issues.Maybe you can find a free ebook download or something?
Seeing a dietician might be a good idea they can really help you with your weight and help you keep a balanced diet that will maintain your weight and at the same time make you feel comfortable with the your weight and with the food your eating. Its deffently worth a try so talk to your doctor and maybe he can give you a refferal. x x x
i no the feeling. obviously its bad wen you eat fatty foods but its wen u r eating perfectly normal food and u feel bad wen you no uve got a real problem. if you dont wanna c another doctor talk 2 a friend x
HiI'm exactly in the same situation as u are and i can honestly say that i am sooooo sick (no pun intended) of having my whole life revolved around food. My problem is boredome god forbid when i have nothing to do i just binge. Though this month i've managed to try and change this outlook on food and i feel like the best thing that works with me is to binge on fruit. Each time your about to relapse instead of binging on junk which i used to always do then get rid of it after, i just eat as much fruit as i can, because the sugar in fruit is natural not fatning and the carbs of fruit are easily and quickly absorbed by your metabolism which will help a lot (pesonal expirience) as due to the eating disorder will have made it very slow and sluggish. Also u'l find that youl be going to the bathroom alot more for your no. 2's (gross i knw) All i'm saying is that even though i dont i'll think about food as just food anymore but more like an obsticle i can still try and control behaviour towards it. I still binge and purge every now and then but not 2 o 3 times a day like before,only when im really depressed. Its not easy but babysteps. Thats all i can say. So just remember you can have fruit and vegetables mostly greens because they dont make you fat. My outlook is to try and aim to not think about "not getting fat" but more in terms of "if i eat healthy then how can i get fat?" so thats keeping me going just now.please give it a try and if you need to talk to me just e-mail me and i can get ur msn or sumthn ksash332@yahoo.co.uk
THROW THE SCALES AWAY! You are letting an inanimate object aka the scales control your emotions.
http://www.rawfoods.com/if you follow the advice on that site youll be eating as healthily as is humanly possible and wont need to feel guilty=)
It's very hard once you've had an eating disorder. When I recovered from anorexia, I had to relearn how to eat and listen to my body. You have to do this or you will either remain too thin or start compulsively eating and gain too much weight. A book called How To Become Naturally Thin by Eating More by Jean Antonello really helped me a lot. Good luck!!
eat lots of white fish. it can be cooked in a fish steamer with herbs and is good for you and free of additives. rosemary conley has a good cookbook that has excellent low fat recipes in itany of the jamie oliver cookbooks are good too. he doesnt use additives
Definitely add a dietitian. They are honest about what is and what isn't good for you as well as helping you to get the proper nutrients even if you aren't eating enough yet. The important thing isn't how much you aren't eating, but making sure your body is getting the nutrition that it needs to exist. It will take some time, but you will heal. Soon you will be able to see a difference in your appetite and your view on food.
Take your time, don't stress, trust the people in your life who are trying to help and care about you.
Hope that helps.
I'll say it one more time... It's all about the book! (you know, the one I plugged; eat right 4 your type)Seriously. Lots of little things like; there are almost certainly some types of sugars and carbs you can digest better and make better internal use of than others. Probably also some types of foods that could be contributing to depression... Knowing about the differences can make all the difference. And it doesn't just tell you in some general way that's less useful but there are even recipes and whatnot.Most importantly it all ties in to your health and that includes mental health and can have a natural, chemical impact, assisting with depression and a lot of other issues.Maybe you can find a free ebook download or something?
Seeing a dietician might be a good idea they can really help you with your weight and help you keep a balanced diet that will maintain your weight and at the same time make you feel comfortable with the your weight and with the food your eating. Its deffently worth a try so talk to your doctor and maybe he can give you a refferal. x x x
i no the feeling. obviously its bad wen you eat fatty foods but its wen u r eating perfectly normal food and u feel bad wen you no uve got a real problem. if you dont wanna c another doctor talk 2 a friend x
I cant stop not-eating?
i am hungry all the time. i have about 50 calories in the morning, 200 calories for lunch, and 750 for dinner. I want to eat more but talk myself out of it. I count the calories of everything i eat. my mom is starting to worry about me and says to just stop. I cant though!
you shouldn't be eating small calories early in the day and a ton of calories at night. you should being doing that in reverse. you burn more calories in the morning and during the day, not at night. as the old saying goes "eat like a king at breakfast, eat like a prince at lunch, and eat like a pauper at dinner". as long as you are eating healthy meals (vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean meats) and are not over eating/consuming large portions made of junk food, then you don't even need to count calories. there is more to life than that! enjoy it while you can :)
Well at first I left a mean comment but realized you are genuinely asking for help....You should tell your mother you think you have a serious problem (I am not trying to scare you but eating disorders can lead to many complicantions such as heart disease and diabetes(I beilve) and tell her you think you need to see a doctor.There are helplines and websites with info but you still need to talk to a doc.Links:http://www.mamashealth.com/anorexia.asp...
http://www.anad.org/site/anadweb/...Hotlines: 1-800-227-4785 %26lt;-------------Anorexia hotline.Like I said I don't know if you have anorexia but you need to see someone about it it is serious.
I used to suffer from an eating disorder so I know how hard it is to get out of that habit. Try going out to eat more often. Although it is more expensive it is worth it for your health. That way you are not able to see what the caloric in take of your meal is, it is just there. Good Luck
I'm the same way, and I could care less.
I have been your shoes chica. Believe me when I say "I can relate!" This is not something you can do on your own and your parents can't do it for you either. It must be your choice to get better, but you will definitely need someone to help you and guide you through this. This is not about food. It never is. There are root issues that caused me to do what I did. I know I don't know you, but I'm sure there are root issues for you as well. What really helped me is a book called Hope, Help and Healing for Eating Disorders by Gregory Jantz. The author runs an awesome treatment center called A Place of Hope(www.aplaceofhope.com). If finances are an issue for you there is another free of charge treatment center specifically for young women that has had wonderful reviews called Mercy Ministries(www.mercyministries... Take care girlie, and you will be in my thoughts and prays.
p.s. feel free to contact if you ever want to talk
you shouldn't be eating small calories early in the day and a ton of calories at night. you should being doing that in reverse. you burn more calories in the morning and during the day, not at night. as the old saying goes "eat like a king at breakfast, eat like a prince at lunch, and eat like a pauper at dinner". as long as you are eating healthy meals (vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean meats) and are not over eating/consuming large portions made of junk food, then you don't even need to count calories. there is more to life than that! enjoy it while you can :)
Well at first I left a mean comment but realized you are genuinely asking for help....You should tell your mother you think you have a serious problem (I am not trying to scare you but eating disorders can lead to many complicantions such as heart disease and diabetes(I beilve) and tell her you think you need to see a doctor.There are helplines and websites with info but you still need to talk to a doc.Links:http://www.mamashealth.com/anorexia.asp...
http://www.anad.org/site/anadweb/...Hotlines: 1-800-227-4785 %26lt;-------------Anorexia hotline.Like I said I don't know if you have anorexia but you need to see someone about it it is serious.
I used to suffer from an eating disorder so I know how hard it is to get out of that habit. Try going out to eat more often. Although it is more expensive it is worth it for your health. That way you are not able to see what the caloric in take of your meal is, it is just there. Good Luck
I'm the same way, and I could care less.
I have been your shoes chica. Believe me when I say "I can relate!" This is not something you can do on your own and your parents can't do it for you either. It must be your choice to get better, but you will definitely need someone to help you and guide you through this. This is not about food. It never is. There are root issues that caused me to do what I did. I know I don't know you, but I'm sure there are root issues for you as well. What really helped me is a book called Hope, Help and Healing for Eating Disorders by Gregory Jantz. The author runs an awesome treatment center called A Place of Hope(www.aplaceofhope.com). If finances are an issue for you there is another free of charge treatment center specifically for young women that has had wonderful reviews called Mercy Ministries(www.mercyministries... Take care girlie, and you will be in my thoughts and prays.
p.s. feel free to contact if you ever want to talk
I cant stop eating in the morning?
when i wake up, i eat soo much-more then my dad eats in a day! im just so hungry when i wake up and i cant burn the calories cuz im sick(and wuz at the e.r.) its so discusting how much i want to eat and most of the food is healthy and full of fiber and i try to drink lots oof water. i am still hungry for my other meals too and i snack for the rest of the day and if u read my last question-u would know whats wrong with me and that im always starving and still eat alot the rest of the day too. i really need to stop eating so much in the morning...espesially if i cant burn it off. DOES ANYBODY ELSE HAVE A PROBLEM LIKE THIS? I NEED HELP!
Actually, eating in the morning is very good for you. People who eat a healthy breakfast are less prone to obesity. If you are looking for portion control, there are some tricks you can try:1) Eat slowly. Chew every bite a certain number of times, or put your fork down in between bites.
2) Drink water in between bites
3) Use a smaller plate. (GREAT way to trick your brain- this one is my favorite).
I would use all three tomorrow and see what happens!If you are concerned, you can talk to a doc to make sure your hunger isn't related to some health issue or any medication you are taking. Good luck!
Just gain some self control
i eat a lot too. i feel like i'm always hungry.
you just have to train yourself to know the difference between and empty stomach and actual hunger. or only eat at set times during the day. having a eating schedule trains your body to know when it needs food and when it doesn't. you should have 3 small meals and 3 snacks at the most.
portion control is important too, eat smaller portions.the reason you feel so hungry is that your stomach is so used to always having food in it. but if you start cutting down your food it'll cut down your cravings and hunger pains in the future.it helps if you can go out of the house and just away from the fridge. i know you are sick but maybe you can talk a 30 minute walk or more even if it's not fast. you will burn a few calories and you'll burn some time.a balanced diet can be difficult to put into action but once you start and you see the results and you just feel healthier you won't want to stop :)
if you must eat, try to eat proteins than carbs. The protein will last longer and the carbs only satisfy for awhile. Protein shakes and bars are good too. I like pure-protein bars from walmart. good luck!
if you eat at the right times of day and snack inbetween that it can help that...im no big expert tho
This will help. When you get up, drink an 8-ounce of water. Then have a hand full of non-salted almonds. Follow that up with at least 20 minutes of exercise - ride a bike or go for a brisk walk, etc. After that - another glass of water. After showering or whatever it is you do, eat a moderate high-fiber breakfast. Drink lots of water throughout the day. That's key. Don't give up. If you feel you don't have enough time for all that in the morning, get to bed earlier so you still get your sleep. Then set the alarm so you have the time. When it comes to food, there are no easy solutions. Good luck!
Actually, eating in the morning is very good for you. People who eat a healthy breakfast are less prone to obesity. If you are looking for portion control, there are some tricks you can try:1) Eat slowly. Chew every bite a certain number of times, or put your fork down in between bites.
2) Drink water in between bites
3) Use a smaller plate. (GREAT way to trick your brain- this one is my favorite).
I would use all three tomorrow and see what happens!If you are concerned, you can talk to a doc to make sure your hunger isn't related to some health issue or any medication you are taking. Good luck!
Just gain some self control
i eat a lot too. i feel like i'm always hungry.
you just have to train yourself to know the difference between and empty stomach and actual hunger. or only eat at set times during the day. having a eating schedule trains your body to know when it needs food and when it doesn't. you should have 3 small meals and 3 snacks at the most.
portion control is important too, eat smaller portions.the reason you feel so hungry is that your stomach is so used to always having food in it. but if you start cutting down your food it'll cut down your cravings and hunger pains in the future.it helps if you can go out of the house and just away from the fridge. i know you are sick but maybe you can talk a 30 minute walk or more even if it's not fast. you will burn a few calories and you'll burn some time.a balanced diet can be difficult to put into action but once you start and you see the results and you just feel healthier you won't want to stop :)
if you must eat, try to eat proteins than carbs. The protein will last longer and the carbs only satisfy for awhile. Protein shakes and bars are good too. I like pure-protein bars from walmart. good luck!
if you eat at the right times of day and snack inbetween that it can help that...im no big expert tho
This will help. When you get up, drink an 8-ounce of water. Then have a hand full of non-salted almonds. Follow that up with at least 20 minutes of exercise - ride a bike or go for a brisk walk, etc. After that - another glass of water. After showering or whatever it is you do, eat a moderate high-fiber breakfast. Drink lots of water throughout the day. That's key. Don't give up. If you feel you don't have enough time for all that in the morning, get to bed earlier so you still get your sleep. Then set the alarm so you have the time. When it comes to food, there are no easy solutions. Good luck!
I can't seem to wake up early to work out...help??
I really want to lose weight and I hear the best time to exercise is before breakfast. I'm not really a morning person and I usually wake up at 6:45AM to get ready, but I can't seem to get up early(like 5AM) and work out. Tips? I also have little energy throughout the day and I know exercise will help me. Any advice, or tips for getting more motivated will be greatly appreciated! THANKS!
drink a small cup of coffee before you work out.
It has been proven to maximize your number of calories burned and your overall workout performance.
unless you have someone by your side ushing you its up to you to motivate yourself
There is no "right" time to work out. If getting up early is too difficult for you, then don't. Try exercising in the evening or during your lunch break.
Go to bed earlier. I don't mean a little earlier either. Go to bed at 8pm if you want to be up at 5.
Set multiple alarm clocks in different rooms of the house, that way you'll have to get up to turn them off.
drink a small cup of coffee before you work out.
It has been proven to maximize your number of calories burned and your overall workout performance.
unless you have someone by your side ushing you its up to you to motivate yourself
There is no "right" time to work out. If getting up early is too difficult for you, then don't. Try exercising in the evening or during your lunch break.
Go to bed earlier. I don't mean a little earlier either. Go to bed at 8pm if you want to be up at 5.
Set multiple alarm clocks in different rooms of the house, that way you'll have to get up to turn them off.
I cant seem to shift off this babyweight?
i had a baby 9 months ago, b4 i was pregenant with her i was usually 9 stone, but i am now 11st and grumpy, i have tried loads of diets but i really cant get rid of the weight. the only positive thing is my boobs have gone from a b cup to a d cup :) but im scared if i ;lose weight im guna lose my bbobs, grrrr catch 22!! .lol please help
Check out any diet for diabetics that reduces weight by reducing sugar and high glycemic food intake. Unfortunately the face and boobs lose the weight the fastest if the weight gain is due to insulin production (and pregnancy weight gain usually is). Best of luck.
A big chest is great, if you want people to focus on your body and not you. I speak as a woman who is six feet tall and even before my pregnancy my chest wasn't small. Besides, if you are breastfeeding, I don't think your chest is going to get smaller any time soon. Personally, I'm not too worried about weight gain with this pregnancy. I'm about 28 weeks pregnant and have only gained 16 pounds (one stone). I eat frequently (it's only 8:30 a.m. and I've already had some orang juice and just over a cup of Kix cereal and just over a cup of Honey Nut Cheerios and just over a cup of soy milk; I'll probably have one or two more snacks before lunch at noon). Yet, I don't exercise the way I should. However, I do eat very healthy. As for breast growth, I've gone from a C to and E and I don't think I'm done growing yet. Yeah. It might be real fun after the baby if I don't gain much weight and I have a way too big chest.
Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
Check out any diet for diabetics that reduces weight by reducing sugar and high glycemic food intake. Unfortunately the face and boobs lose the weight the fastest if the weight gain is due to insulin production (and pregnancy weight gain usually is). Best of luck.
A big chest is great, if you want people to focus on your body and not you. I speak as a woman who is six feet tall and even before my pregnancy my chest wasn't small. Besides, if you are breastfeeding, I don't think your chest is going to get smaller any time soon. Personally, I'm not too worried about weight gain with this pregnancy. I'm about 28 weeks pregnant and have only gained 16 pounds (one stone). I eat frequently (it's only 8:30 a.m. and I've already had some orang juice and just over a cup of Kix cereal and just over a cup of Honey Nut Cheerios and just over a cup of soy milk; I'll probably have one or two more snacks before lunch at noon). Yet, I don't exercise the way I should. However, I do eat very healthy. As for breast growth, I've gone from a C to and E and I don't think I'm done growing yet. Yeah. It might be real fun after the baby if I don't gain much weight and I have a way too big chest.
Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
I can't seem to run?
I want to run several miles a day. For some reason I can only run a few seconds though. I am very fit and work out alot, but I just can't run! I feel like I can't breath and have to stop in less than 30 seconds. What can I do??
All of these answers but one are very good. First, get a comprehensive physical.There may be another answer. I have coached youth basketball teams in the past, and it maybe technique. You would be suprised how many people don't know how to run. One of the biggest technical issues I have had to teach is proper thrust. Many people generate the thrust from their legs upward instead of forward. When this happens, you tend to try and exert more energy into your motion, only making yourself work harder with no increase(or very little) in speed. Another problem is stride, up to a point the amount of energy required for each stride is close to the same. Meaning a eight inch stride uses about the same energy an eighteen inch stride. But no matter what, rule out a health cause.
what i think u should strt slowlly
ummm. ask ur doctor. maybe its this really weird and bad thing that like none has ever heard of...
do you have asthma? do you smoke? maybe you can start slowly and see if you can build it up?
just try and keep your mind occupied while running long distances - it works for me! and if the breathing is still a serious problem, maybe it could be exercised induced asthma?
Do a light jog instead. It's hard to just constantly be running full sprint, your heart is constantly pumping blood overtime and it's hard to keep it up for a decent amount of time. A light jog should do good for the cardio.
ur fat
Work on your cardio
You probably have muscles, but running is pure cardio. Start with a slow jog for half a mile, then make it a bit faster, or longer everyday. Running is just something you'll need to work at, but you'll get it. Good luck!
Running is not the same as walking. If you don't train in running, you don't do it well. Are you doing this indoors or outdoors?
Start by [ stretch first ] walking 5 minutes, running as long as you can; walk 5 min., run as long as you can, etc. until you've been exercising for 30 minutes.
Then go and lift weight, pushups, situps, obliques, and crunches.
Rest from running one day, and try again. Try to do a bit more each day.
You need to start out slowly, try walking and then gradually jog at a steady pace. If the shortness of breath is really bad and doesnt get any better, then maybe talk to your doctor..maybe its allergies or you have a breathing disorder/asthma or something.
My dad has the same problem. He is training for a marathon and runs a couple miles everyday. However, he has not been able to run recently and is going to see a doctor. I suggest you do the same. More than likely, your body is trying to tell that you are exhausted. Try again later, get plenty of rest, and eat the right foods. Next time start at a slower pace and work your way up to where you were before.
i was the same as you, i wanted to run but i couldnt because i didnt have the stamina. i tried this program The Couch-to-5K Running Plan that a friend recommended to me and IT WORKED!! the most important thing to remember is that nothing is overnight and there were some days that i would stay on the same level because i was not ready to advance. but i stuck with it. HTH
run around your block and gradually add to it. if that doesn't work then you should see a doctor.
Maybe you have undiagnosed exercise induced asthma. why don't check it out with your doctor
You should slow your pace. You might workout a lot but running takes a different set of muscles. It takes poop loads of air to run. Your lungs have to strengthen as well as your joints. You are running too fast. Run slowly. You should be able to talk while you run. You also gotta push yourself if you are working for speed. Run slowly for about 15 minutes then do a running spurt for as log as you can. Then slow down to the original pace without stopping.
All of these answers but one are very good. First, get a comprehensive physical.There may be another answer. I have coached youth basketball teams in the past, and it maybe technique. You would be suprised how many people don't know how to run. One of the biggest technical issues I have had to teach is proper thrust. Many people generate the thrust from their legs upward instead of forward. When this happens, you tend to try and exert more energy into your motion, only making yourself work harder with no increase(or very little) in speed. Another problem is stride, up to a point the amount of energy required for each stride is close to the same. Meaning a eight inch stride uses about the same energy an eighteen inch stride. But no matter what, rule out a health cause.
what i think u should strt slowlly
ummm. ask ur doctor. maybe its this really weird and bad thing that like none has ever heard of...
do you have asthma? do you smoke? maybe you can start slowly and see if you can build it up?
just try and keep your mind occupied while running long distances - it works for me! and if the breathing is still a serious problem, maybe it could be exercised induced asthma?
Do a light jog instead. It's hard to just constantly be running full sprint, your heart is constantly pumping blood overtime and it's hard to keep it up for a decent amount of time. A light jog should do good for the cardio.
ur fat
Work on your cardio
You probably have muscles, but running is pure cardio. Start with a slow jog for half a mile, then make it a bit faster, or longer everyday. Running is just something you'll need to work at, but you'll get it. Good luck!
Running is not the same as walking. If you don't train in running, you don't do it well. Are you doing this indoors or outdoors?
Start by [ stretch first ] walking 5 minutes, running as long as you can; walk 5 min., run as long as you can, etc. until you've been exercising for 30 minutes.
Then go and lift weight, pushups, situps, obliques, and crunches.
Rest from running one day, and try again. Try to do a bit more each day.
You need to start out slowly, try walking and then gradually jog at a steady pace. If the shortness of breath is really bad and doesnt get any better, then maybe talk to your doctor..maybe its allergies or you have a breathing disorder/asthma or something.
My dad has the same problem. He is training for a marathon and runs a couple miles everyday. However, he has not been able to run recently and is going to see a doctor. I suggest you do the same. More than likely, your body is trying to tell that you are exhausted. Try again later, get plenty of rest, and eat the right foods. Next time start at a slower pace and work your way up to where you were before.
i was the same as you, i wanted to run but i couldnt because i didnt have the stamina. i tried this program The Couch-to-5K Running Plan that a friend recommended to me and IT WORKED!! the most important thing to remember is that nothing is overnight and there were some days that i would stay on the same level because i was not ready to advance. but i stuck with it. HTH
run around your block and gradually add to it. if that doesn't work then you should see a doctor.
Maybe you have undiagnosed exercise induced asthma. why don't check it out with your doctor
You should slow your pace. You might workout a lot but running takes a different set of muscles. It takes poop loads of air to run. Your lungs have to strengthen as well as your joints. You are running too fast. Run slowly. You should be able to talk while you run. You also gotta push yourself if you are working for speed. Run slowly for about 15 minutes then do a running spurt for as log as you can. Then slow down to the original pace without stopping.
I can't seem to build muscle at the gym (arms, especially.) What can I do?
As it is now, I go to the gym 4-5 times per week for about an hour. I work my biceps and triceps on alternating days to give the muscles time to recover and to grow. I eat lowfat foods and lots of protein and amino acids. I've been doing this regularly for about 7 months and have only gained a small amount of extra muscle. Any thoughts?
Every magazine I've ever read says to give your triceps more attention than your biceps. The triceps are a larger muscle by nature, so building them makes your arms bigger faster. The best way to get big is high weight/low rep. There are a million opinions and they all say somethin a little different. What has worked for me in the past is finding a weight I can manage for 6-8 reps (any more than 8 reps and you're usually toning). The key is to really be struggling with that last rep. Then do the other arm. Should be enough rest that you can do the same reps the second time. I usually have to drop 1 rep for the 3rd set. There are a few other things I've heard that make a lot of sense to me and have worked in my own routine.1. Stay away from machines. My highschool weight lifting coach told me the difference between using machines and free weights is like trying to push a car in park rather than in neutral. Plus you'll be building the stabilizer muscles that will help your overall strength in turn helping you to lift heavier weight faster. 2. Do your reps slower. Obviously your muscle is larger when it is contracting, and the longer you can keep the contraction the bigger you'll get. Also, go slower on the way back down. This is another technique that will help build the stabilizer muscles for strength. 3. Switch it up. Don't follow the same routine all the time. If your routine isn't varied from time to time your muscles will learn shortcuts and ways to cheat so they aren't working so hard. Also, consider talking to a personal trainer. Sure it can be a little expensive, but you don't have to have a trainer EVERY time you go to the gym. Most I have priced are 25-50 a session. Most people feel like they need a trainer for the motivation, but if you've been going to the gym for 7 months I don't see that as your shortcoming.Good luck and be careful!
You could be an ectomorph, meaning you have a hard time gaining weight. Basically just pound food every chance you get it's the only real way.
it seems like you havent been lifting heavy weights, The only thing i would be able to suggest is to lift heavier weights, till your arms hurt.
Do fewer reps with a lot of weight instead of doing a lot of reps with a smaller amount of weight. And eat a huge amount of protein. I recommend buying protein powder
You seem to be doing most of the things right. But probably you are not using suffeciently heavy weights. Key to growing muscles is to use as heavy weights as possible, and strive to increase the weight as you go ahead. I would suggest that you select weight such that you can do a maximum of 7 to 8 repetitions for an exercise. And your muscles should fuly exert to do these repetitions. In couple of weeks, when your muscles will adapt and grow to this weight, then increase your weight. In this way keep increasing your weight to a level where you are doing a maximum of 7-8 repetions and expending your full effort to do it.
At the same time, make sure that you are having enough proteins in your food. I think this should do the trick for you.
In reality, muscles require at a minimum of 48 hours to recover, especially if the lift was intense enough. Most advanced bodybuilders and powerlifters will not work out a particular muscle group more than twice a week. I hope you're also working out other muscle groups besides just biceps and triceps. The primary exercises should be compound movements, such as bench press, deadlifts and squats. Isolation movements like curls or tricep extensions should only be done to supplement the primary lifts. Compound movements are what's responsible for the most muscle growth by far. You should be doing 4-8 reps per exercise to failure, 2-3 sets each using heavy weights. Practice good form as this will help prevent injury as well as optimize the lift.Remember that exercise only provides the stimulus for muscle growth, it's the diet that ultimately determines the size of the muscle. If you aren't growing then likely you aren't getting enough calories for muscles to build. A good starting point is to multiply your bodyweight by 25 and that's how many calories per day at a minimum you should be getting - likely you'll need even more than that. Also, your diet should consist of 40-50% complex carbs, 30-40% lean proteins and 20% good fats spread out over 5-6+ meals per day. If you aren't growing after a few weeks of this, increase your daily caloric intake by 10% each week until you start to see growth, and stop there (don't want to gain bodyfat). Even if you're a hardgainer you'll still see gains.
Every magazine I've ever read says to give your triceps more attention than your biceps. The triceps are a larger muscle by nature, so building them makes your arms bigger faster. The best way to get big is high weight/low rep. There are a million opinions and they all say somethin a little different. What has worked for me in the past is finding a weight I can manage for 6-8 reps (any more than 8 reps and you're usually toning). The key is to really be struggling with that last rep. Then do the other arm. Should be enough rest that you can do the same reps the second time. I usually have to drop 1 rep for the 3rd set. There are a few other things I've heard that make a lot of sense to me and have worked in my own routine.1. Stay away from machines. My highschool weight lifting coach told me the difference between using machines and free weights is like trying to push a car in park rather than in neutral. Plus you'll be building the stabilizer muscles that will help your overall strength in turn helping you to lift heavier weight faster. 2. Do your reps slower. Obviously your muscle is larger when it is contracting, and the longer you can keep the contraction the bigger you'll get. Also, go slower on the way back down. This is another technique that will help build the stabilizer muscles for strength. 3. Switch it up. Don't follow the same routine all the time. If your routine isn't varied from time to time your muscles will learn shortcuts and ways to cheat so they aren't working so hard. Also, consider talking to a personal trainer. Sure it can be a little expensive, but you don't have to have a trainer EVERY time you go to the gym. Most I have priced are 25-50 a session. Most people feel like they need a trainer for the motivation, but if you've been going to the gym for 7 months I don't see that as your shortcoming.Good luck and be careful!
You could be an ectomorph, meaning you have a hard time gaining weight. Basically just pound food every chance you get it's the only real way.
it seems like you havent been lifting heavy weights, The only thing i would be able to suggest is to lift heavier weights, till your arms hurt.
Do fewer reps with a lot of weight instead of doing a lot of reps with a smaller amount of weight. And eat a huge amount of protein. I recommend buying protein powder
You seem to be doing most of the things right. But probably you are not using suffeciently heavy weights. Key to growing muscles is to use as heavy weights as possible, and strive to increase the weight as you go ahead. I would suggest that you select weight such that you can do a maximum of 7 to 8 repetitions for an exercise. And your muscles should fuly exert to do these repetitions. In couple of weeks, when your muscles will adapt and grow to this weight, then increase your weight. In this way keep increasing your weight to a level where you are doing a maximum of 7-8 repetions and expending your full effort to do it.
At the same time, make sure that you are having enough proteins in your food. I think this should do the trick for you.
In reality, muscles require at a minimum of 48 hours to recover, especially if the lift was intense enough. Most advanced bodybuilders and powerlifters will not work out a particular muscle group more than twice a week. I hope you're also working out other muscle groups besides just biceps and triceps. The primary exercises should be compound movements, such as bench press, deadlifts and squats. Isolation movements like curls or tricep extensions should only be done to supplement the primary lifts. Compound movements are what's responsible for the most muscle growth by far. You should be doing 4-8 reps per exercise to failure, 2-3 sets each using heavy weights. Practice good form as this will help prevent injury as well as optimize the lift.Remember that exercise only provides the stimulus for muscle growth, it's the diet that ultimately determines the size of the muscle. If you aren't growing then likely you aren't getting enough calories for muscles to build. A good starting point is to multiply your bodyweight by 25 and that's how many calories per day at a minimum you should be getting - likely you'll need even more than that. Also, your diet should consist of 40-50% complex carbs, 30-40% lean proteins and 20% good fats spread out over 5-6+ meals per day. If you aren't growing after a few weeks of this, increase your daily caloric intake by 10% each week until you start to see growth, and stop there (don't want to gain bodyfat). Even if you're a hardgainer you'll still see gains.
I cant keep a weekley workout schedule, help me!?
Can some one help me make a workout schedule? Every time i try i do it for a couple days and slowly stop. i want to build some bulk on my arms. I have 25 pound freewaits for like curls but i dont no how to strenthen my tricepts. I also want to get rid of some belly fat and love handles, so what kind of exercies are especially good for that. I also want to run to get healtheir in general. BUT ALSO problem is i dont now what days i should do what exercises and how much. If any one can help me out i would be very very thankfull
thank you thank you
thank youP.S i dont have money to spend on a personal trainer or any other equipment :(
Ok i can help, i maintaine a good weight with this and also toned. have an hour of cardio at least every day, LIKE JOGGING, JUMP ROPE, OR TAE BO,LOL.weekly exercise scedule:
SAT - 2 hours of cardio
SUN- day off
1.SQUATS - 60
1. PUSH UPS -60
2. ARM CURLS - 60/6-
2.SIDE CRUNCH- 60/60
you have to sacrfice some times to do exercise
keep trying "if at first u do not succeed just try and try again".
Good luck
thank you thank you
thank youP.S i dont have money to spend on a personal trainer or any other equipment :(
Ok i can help, i maintaine a good weight with this and also toned. have an hour of cardio at least every day, LIKE JOGGING, JUMP ROPE, OR TAE BO,LOL.weekly exercise scedule:
SAT - 2 hours of cardio
SUN- day off
1.SQUATS - 60
1. PUSH UPS -60
2. ARM CURLS - 60/6-
2.SIDE CRUNCH- 60/60
you have to sacrfice some times to do exercise
keep trying "if at first u do not succeed just try and try again".
Good luck
I can't get extra pounds !!! ( you haven't misread GET ANY)?
I really can't figure out why i can't get any weight, i've been trying so hard for nearly two years and i still haven't added any extra pound to my original weight,!! i 'm getting depressed about the whole idea, i tried healthy nutritional habits, nothing, Junk food , yet nothing, any ideas?
Buy muscle milk at a local supermarket. Drink it at least once a day. It tastes really bad, but it is worth it once you slowly start to gain weight.Do some squats and lift a couple times a week.
If you are eating healthy foods, you are doing the right thing.
Love yourself? :)
how much do you weigh how old are you and how tall are you?
if you say i can figure out your BMI and tell you if you are under weight or not.
if you want to beef up ... check out the review below
Burn the Fat Feed the Muscleit was written by a bodybuilder for bodybuildersbasically you need to eat ... a lot / 5-6 times a day he suggests with the right combo of foods combined with a workout regimen, you'll start seeing results in about 2-3 weeks, check it out
Wow! You want to gain? I want to lose. For anyone I think they all just want to be healthy. To do that just eat healthy and exercise daily.
you need to give more info
Eat red meats...good in protein...well help u put on some xtra pounds...
I can not gain any weight either. Sorry that I don't have any solutions for us. But if you don't mind , let me know what good ideas you find. I have been trying for 2 1/2 years, still nothing. Good luck.
You want to gain weight? and you can't? well...i'd just say to eat junk food and don't excercise very much but that's not healthy. I remember in gr.2 i was EXTREMELY skinny. I wanted to gain weight. So then i didn't excercise and i ate unhealthy foods. And guess what happened? Now i want to lose weight and it's hard. But if you really want to then I guess you could try what I just said. I hope this helps.
Buy muscle milk at a local supermarket. Drink it at least once a day. It tastes really bad, but it is worth it once you slowly start to gain weight.Do some squats and lift a couple times a week.
If you are eating healthy foods, you are doing the right thing.
Love yourself? :)
how much do you weigh how old are you and how tall are you?
if you say i can figure out your BMI and tell you if you are under weight or not.
if you want to beef up ... check out the review below
Burn the Fat Feed the Muscleit was written by a bodybuilder for bodybuildersbasically you need to eat ... a lot / 5-6 times a day he suggests with the right combo of foods combined with a workout regimen, you'll start seeing results in about 2-3 weeks, check it out
Wow! You want to gain? I want to lose. For anyone I think they all just want to be healthy. To do that just eat healthy and exercise daily.
you need to give more info
Eat red meats...good in protein...well help u put on some xtra pounds...
I can not gain any weight either. Sorry that I don't have any solutions for us. But if you don't mind , let me know what good ideas you find. I have been trying for 2 1/2 years, still nothing. Good luck.
You want to gain weight? and you can't? well...i'd just say to eat junk food and don't excercise very much but that's not healthy. I remember in gr.2 i was EXTREMELY skinny. I wanted to gain weight. So then i didn't excercise and i ate unhealthy foods. And guess what happened? Now i want to lose weight and it's hard. But if you really want to then I guess you could try what I just said. I hope this helps.
I cant feel full when i eat what can i do! I just keep gaining and gaining?
eat until ur not hungry not until u r full
Maybe you are eating calorie-dense foods. Try to incorporate fiber and water into every meal and snack to help you feel full without adding calories. Broth-based soups are good, fruits, veggies, tea, etc. Eat only whole-grain products, not refined flour/refined sugar, etc. Also, eat protein at every snack and meal to keep you feeling full longer.
Unless you have a mad craving for something, choose a big salad with grilled chicken and a light vinaigrette as a good lunch option.
Try drinking a large glass of water before you eat or when you feel hungry. You might want to ask your doctor for an appetite suppressant
I can't eat! HELP!!?
All food has just been disgusting looking to me. As soon as I try to eat, I get nauseous. It's like everything i try to eat is something from Fear Factor. It's been weeks!! BUT. i'm not tired, no headaches, or anything. As active as ever. Everyone thinks I'm on drugs... I hate that! What is wrong?
You need to see a doctor. Could be a combination of medical and psychological problems. Since you can die from it you need to address your problems.
Go to your doctor, maybe it is something medically that is wrong that is making you fill this way. It can't hurt because you do have to eat.
You probably are on drugs. Have a hamburger and a smile. Just choke it down. Captain obvious here...Im here all night.
^ If you didn't eat for weeks as you say you would be dead. Please go to your doctor and get help.
Signs of a parasite or tape worm in your stomach.
Try to blend fruits, I have the same thing when it gets very hot. In the supermarket you could buy frozen Mango, blend it with fresh Bananas and Strawberries or Blue berries. Make sure you take vitamin and calcium pills.
-Try eating fruits that contain enzymes. For example, pineapple ( fresh ) and papaya ( fresh ) are rich in enzymes.-Otherwise, maybe another thing that might help is taking probiotics or some source of friendly bacteria. Eat lots of yogurt, or smoothies. ( If it has friendly bacteria, It usually says something like active cultures, or Lactobacillus Acidophillus,... on the carton )...
1. Tapeworms make you *super* hungry, but THEY consume your nutrients and as such you lose weight (hence the turn-of-the century diet pills that were labeled as "Miracle Weight Loss" but infact were Miracle Make You Die pills). I can't imagine a parasite that would want its host to refuse nutrients, since parasites need YOUR nutrients to survive.
2. How long you can go without food depends on your body mass. A typical person can go 4 to 6 weeks without eating; an obese person can go up to 25 weeks. Thus, you will live, but try not to get past the 3-week mark as this will - not can, WILL - be extremely detrimental to your health.
3. Are you on medications for ADD or ADHD? These can both cause appetite loss. So can some pain killers.
4. You should see a medical professional about possible deficiencies in the hormones that alert your brain to hunger - this might be what's causing your problem.
Since I started to work out I was looking for a good weight loss product. I was on a diet but I felt that I needed a little "help" so I decided to try this great product and I had fantastic results. You can check their website at
http://www.greathealthyes.info , they give you a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling.
You need to see a doctor. Could be a combination of medical and psychological problems. Since you can die from it you need to address your problems.
Go to your doctor, maybe it is something medically that is wrong that is making you fill this way. It can't hurt because you do have to eat.
You probably are on drugs. Have a hamburger and a smile. Just choke it down. Captain obvious here...Im here all night.
^ If you didn't eat for weeks as you say you would be dead. Please go to your doctor and get help.
Signs of a parasite or tape worm in your stomach.
Try to blend fruits, I have the same thing when it gets very hot. In the supermarket you could buy frozen Mango, blend it with fresh Bananas and Strawberries or Blue berries. Make sure you take vitamin and calcium pills.
-Try eating fruits that contain enzymes. For example, pineapple ( fresh ) and papaya ( fresh ) are rich in enzymes.-Otherwise, maybe another thing that might help is taking probiotics or some source of friendly bacteria. Eat lots of yogurt, or smoothies. ( If it has friendly bacteria, It usually says something like active cultures, or Lactobacillus Acidophillus,... on the carton )...
1. Tapeworms make you *super* hungry, but THEY consume your nutrients and as such you lose weight (hence the turn-of-the century diet pills that were labeled as "Miracle Weight Loss" but infact were Miracle Make You Die pills). I can't imagine a parasite that would want its host to refuse nutrients, since parasites need YOUR nutrients to survive.
2. How long you can go without food depends on your body mass. A typical person can go 4 to 6 weeks without eating; an obese person can go up to 25 weeks. Thus, you will live, but try not to get past the 3-week mark as this will - not can, WILL - be extremely detrimental to your health.
3. Are you on medications for ADD or ADHD? These can both cause appetite loss. So can some pain killers.
4. You should see a medical professional about possible deficiencies in the hormones that alert your brain to hunger - this might be what's causing your problem.
Since I started to work out I was looking for a good weight loss product. I was on a diet but I felt that I needed a little "help" so I decided to try this great product and I had fantastic results. You can check their website at
http://www.greathealthyes.info , they give you a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling.
I can't eat enough?
I cant seem to get 2000 cals a day... or even like 1500... I eat like this usually.
breakfast- cornflakes and milk (200)
oj (110)
lunch- 2 slices bread (100)
turkey breast (40)
apple (70)
dinner- chicken (120)
green beans (40)
roll (50)
snacks- popcorn (100)
orange (80)total 910... that was yesterday. Everyone says thats waaay not enough calories. Im never hungry tho. is this okay?
As long as you don't feel weak and such! Be sure to take a multivitamin every morning though (like Flintstones) Since you are not eating a lot you want to make sure you are still getting all the nutrients you need. Also, are you paying attention to serving sizes? For your breakfast of cornflakes, are you having a bowl full? or 1 cup... which is usually a serving. Start paying attention to that and maybe you are getting more calories than you think!
Just double what you're eating now.
no this is not healthy. i would go see a doctor for help.
Add a milkshake to the mix, or a protein drink. something more liquid so it doesn't seem like food. I did notice though that you added nothing of what any drinks gave you, so by your chart I can only assume you drank water. You may be getting more than you thought of right there.
try food with more spices.
they say that you eat more if the food has more flavor on it.
don't eat snacks and no junk food at all
because that will make you lose your appetite
and eat a lot at meal time .
breakfast- cornflakes and milk (200)
oj (110)
lunch- 2 slices bread (100)
turkey breast (40)
apple (70)
dinner- chicken (120)
green beans (40)
roll (50)
snacks- popcorn (100)
orange (80)total 910... that was yesterday. Everyone says thats waaay not enough calories. Im never hungry tho. is this okay?
As long as you don't feel weak and such! Be sure to take a multivitamin every morning though (like Flintstones) Since you are not eating a lot you want to make sure you are still getting all the nutrients you need. Also, are you paying attention to serving sizes? For your breakfast of cornflakes, are you having a bowl full? or 1 cup... which is usually a serving. Start paying attention to that and maybe you are getting more calories than you think!
Just double what you're eating now.
no this is not healthy. i would go see a doctor for help.
Add a milkshake to the mix, or a protein drink. something more liquid so it doesn't seem like food. I did notice though that you added nothing of what any drinks gave you, so by your chart I can only assume you drank water. You may be getting more than you thought of right there.
try food with more spices.
they say that you eat more if the food has more flavor on it.
don't eat snacks and no junk food at all
because that will make you lose your appetite
and eat a lot at meal time .
I cant eat anything...?
From Saturday until now i havnt been able to eat anything. I dont feel as if im sick at all. I have tried to eat but if i take a bite of the food i suddenly feel really full and cant eat anything else for the whole day. Also, if i start to feel hungry or think about food my stomach sort of churns and i feel as if im going to be sick if i eat anything.
Has anyone heard of this before? Do you think this is a psychological problem - if so what can i do about it?
Or do you think im actually ill..?
hi,i m a psychologist %26 i knw this is a spychological problem. sometimes you feel hungry %26 on other hand you feel full,it may be due to tension,nervousness or jst b'cos of you have eat something without your will %26didnt liked it. so dont worry have some fruits or fruit juice or just a simple salad. dont worry, think possitive %26 you'll be fine. bye %26 take care.
You really should get a check up. What about drinking water, milk soop fruit juice etc. I mean? I hope you are not worried about you weight. Even if you are, this is not healthy way to reduce. Get liver function test done. Take some tonic to get appetite. Sorbiline will help/ good luck!
Get a pregnancy test done.
that's also happening to me... help!!
see da doc
that is called early satiety and it could be a physical problem, i would consult a physician if this does not improve within just a few days...especially if you are losing weight.GOOD LUCK
Sounds like a bacterial or viral problem. Your tummy sounds like it is irritated. You should see a doctor.
Has anyone heard of this before? Do you think this is a psychological problem - if so what can i do about it?
Or do you think im actually ill..?
hi,i m a psychologist %26 i knw this is a spychological problem. sometimes you feel hungry %26 on other hand you feel full,it may be due to tension,nervousness or jst b'cos of you have eat something without your will %26didnt liked it. so dont worry have some fruits or fruit juice or just a simple salad. dont worry, think possitive %26 you'll be fine. bye %26 take care.
You really should get a check up. What about drinking water, milk soop fruit juice etc. I mean? I hope you are not worried about you weight. Even if you are, this is not healthy way to reduce. Get liver function test done. Take some tonic to get appetite. Sorbiline will help/ good luck!
Get a pregnancy test done.
that's also happening to me... help!!
see da doc
that is called early satiety and it could be a physical problem, i would consult a physician if this does not improve within just a few days...especially if you are losing weight.GOOD LUCK
Sounds like a bacterial or viral problem. Your tummy sounds like it is irritated. You should see a doctor.
I can't drink caffine or alcohol, what can I do?!?
4 years ago I was diagnosed with a birth defect that causes frequent kidney infections. I can no longer drink caffine or alcohol, smoke, or eat spicy foods. I quit everything but eating spicy foods, love that too much. My favorite thing was Green Tea and beer, both of which I can't have anymore. Is there any alt. drink I drink that doesn't contain caffine but tastes like Green Tea? Or some kind of fruit drink? I love apple juice but get tired of drinking it all the time...HELP ME PLEASE!!
When I was on Weight Watchers I decided to stop drinking soda altogether so that I would drink more water. I had a tough time with it, but I got through it by drinking different flavors of Crystal Light and some of the flavored seltzer waters. I love the Crystal Light Green Tea with Raspberry, but I don't know if it has caffeine (it probably does). Here is the website that lists its ingredients:
http://www.kraftfoods.com/main.aspx?s=pr...You might also want to browse the Weight Watchers website (you don't have to be a member to use a lot of the site) for recipes. They're good at coming up with creative, healthy alternatives that don't make you feel like you are losing any taste. I did a site search for "drinks" and came up with a couple interesting pages:
-Very Cool Drinks (although one has caffeine): http://www.weightwatchers.com/util/art/i...-Frozen Pitcher Drinks (although one has tea in it): http://www.weightwatchers.com/util/art/i...Happy drinking! :)
Little by little you'll have to get aclimated to water. It's unfair perhaps, but that's the reality. There isn't anything that can help you really.
Just do what the doctor says and just live. The last thing you want is the need for a new kidey which are very hard to come by and expensive... is the spicy food worth it?
I myself have always been fond of the Chai teas. They come in so many wonderful flavors. There is also decaffinated teas that, if you don't like the flavor, you could add spices to yourself. I will put a few drops of vanilla in mine or about half a packet of a kool-aid powder to give it a fruity taste.
There is decaf. green tea still.
water, flavored water, juice, smoothies, slurpies, milkshakes, shakes,
sorry but i dont know what you can and cant have so here are some guesses
Not much you can do but follow the doc's advice. Be realistic and consider the consequences of your actions.
Well water is pretty much what you should stick to...you can also get decaffeinated teas and such. I'm sure there are caffeine free drinks out there you just have to look long and hard :)
try various fruit flavored teas, there are many decafs
When I was on Weight Watchers I decided to stop drinking soda altogether so that I would drink more water. I had a tough time with it, but I got through it by drinking different flavors of Crystal Light and some of the flavored seltzer waters. I love the Crystal Light Green Tea with Raspberry, but I don't know if it has caffeine (it probably does). Here is the website that lists its ingredients:
http://www.kraftfoods.com/main.aspx?s=pr...You might also want to browse the Weight Watchers website (you don't have to be a member to use a lot of the site) for recipes. They're good at coming up with creative, healthy alternatives that don't make you feel like you are losing any taste. I did a site search for "drinks" and came up with a couple interesting pages:
-Very Cool Drinks (although one has caffeine): http://www.weightwatchers.com/util/art/i...-Frozen Pitcher Drinks (although one has tea in it): http://www.weightwatchers.com/util/art/i...Happy drinking! :)
Little by little you'll have to get aclimated to water. It's unfair perhaps, but that's the reality. There isn't anything that can help you really.
Just do what the doctor says and just live. The last thing you want is the need for a new kidey which are very hard to come by and expensive... is the spicy food worth it?
I myself have always been fond of the Chai teas. They come in so many wonderful flavors. There is also decaffinated teas that, if you don't like the flavor, you could add spices to yourself. I will put a few drops of vanilla in mine or about half a packet of a kool-aid powder to give it a fruity taste.
There is decaf. green tea still.
water, flavored water, juice, smoothies, slurpies, milkshakes, shakes,
sorry but i dont know what you can and cant have so here are some guesses
Not much you can do but follow the doc's advice. Be realistic and consider the consequences of your actions.
Well water is pretty much what you should stick to...you can also get decaffeinated teas and such. I'm sure there are caffeine free drinks out there you just have to look long and hard :)
try various fruit flavored teas, there are many decafs
I can't do this well, help?
i can't get very low on squats and lunges, and i can't go down far without lifting my heals... what is wrong with me?how can i get lower?
Start out with very low weight to get the proper form down and then start adding weight. You don't have to go all the way down, just have your thighs parallel to the floor. It is OK if you lift your heels a little. If your heels are always off the ground then that means your calves are tight. Stretch them before you do squats.
you need to warm up and stretch thoroughly before u start the excercises...sounds like your hamstrings and calves are tight...
You can't go below a 90 degree angle with your upper leg and lower leg. Your upper leg should be parallel to the floor. It just takes practice.
Start out with very low weight to get the proper form down and then start adding weight. You don't have to go all the way down, just have your thighs parallel to the floor. It is OK if you lift your heels a little. If your heels are always off the ground then that means your calves are tight. Stretch them before you do squats.
you need to warm up and stretch thoroughly before u start the excercises...sounds like your hamstrings and calves are tight...
You can't go below a 90 degree angle with your upper leg and lower leg. Your upper leg should be parallel to the floor. It just takes practice.
I cant do this myself any ideas?
Im 12,
im about 5'3"
i weight 123 last time i checked,
im into softball, basketball, and volleyballIm going away to my cuzs with my friends and i really wanna wear a bikini. i mean i wanna be able to show my body without be uncomfortable. Any ideas about how to loose weight but still be healthy. i RRREEAALLLYYY want to impress my family and friends and when i go back to school i want to look amazing. No products please. Anything will help ANYTHING!! please and thank you
You aren't overweight! And at 12, you shouldn't be worrying about it! If you are exercising, then you probably have a lot more muscle, so you will weigh more because muscles weighs more than fat, but you are probably still very small as you are only an inch shorter than me!
Nobody should judge you on how you look in a bikini, not your family and not if you're 12 years old. Anyone that judges you in a bikini is WRONG; you should like what you look like, you're hardly going to be massive. So long as you are eating healthy and exercising, you won't look bad in a bikini!
eat 5 small meals a day, excercise 30 minutes at least, no JUNK no SODA and none of that other processed CRAP
eat at least 3-5 fruits and veggies a day
Eating healthy is the most important aspect. You can begin by limiting proteins from meats and increase proteins from beans and other sources. Stay away from dairy as the growth hormones that are added arent good for you. (also the human body is intolerant to dairy just most people dont show outward signs. ) Dont eat a lot of food like a normal american diet suggests but portion your food. Something to the tune of 75 grams of protein from meats to 100 grams of vegetables. Stay away from breads and potatoes. Exercise is also important. A good regiment of aerobic activity will also help you lose some weight. Good luck stick with it and as long as you feel good about who you are others will too.
im about 5'3"
i weight 123 last time i checked,
im into softball, basketball, and volleyballIm going away to my cuzs with my friends and i really wanna wear a bikini. i mean i wanna be able to show my body without be uncomfortable. Any ideas about how to loose weight but still be healthy. i RRREEAALLLYYY want to impress my family and friends and when i go back to school i want to look amazing. No products please. Anything will help ANYTHING!! please and thank you
You aren't overweight! And at 12, you shouldn't be worrying about it! If you are exercising, then you probably have a lot more muscle, so you will weigh more because muscles weighs more than fat, but you are probably still very small as you are only an inch shorter than me!
Nobody should judge you on how you look in a bikini, not your family and not if you're 12 years old. Anyone that judges you in a bikini is WRONG; you should like what you look like, you're hardly going to be massive. So long as you are eating healthy and exercising, you won't look bad in a bikini!
eat 5 small meals a day, excercise 30 minutes at least, no JUNK no SODA and none of that other processed CRAP
eat at least 3-5 fruits and veggies a day
Eating healthy is the most important aspect. You can begin by limiting proteins from meats and increase proteins from beans and other sources. Stay away from dairy as the growth hormones that are added arent good for you. (also the human body is intolerant to dairy just most people dont show outward signs. ) Dont eat a lot of food like a normal american diet suggests but portion your food. Something to the tune of 75 grams of protein from meats to 100 grams of vegetables. Stay away from breads and potatoes. Exercise is also important. A good regiment of aerobic activity will also help you lose some weight. Good luck stick with it and as long as you feel good about who you are others will too.
I cannot stop curbing hunger. i need something to eat..help me..dont want weight?
i lost weight by exercising..but i afraid. i mite gain it ack..which i just dont want to..i get sugar craivngs all the time...i am afraid it mite lead to me ganing weight again,,,help me, plzz..what cereal is best for me? how much?
plz plan out a schedlue for me..like morning what i shud eat..fo r lunch..etc?
i am not overweight..i exercise..but i am afraid tht due to this prob, i mite gain wieght..plzzzzzzzzzz help me..i end up eating 6-7 bread slices with sugared milk a cup-full every night...hellllppp :(
You want to increase fiber and drink lots of water. That will keep you from feeling hungry. If you're craving sweets, try things like apples or oranges. They're sweet and have fiber. Be sure you're eating a well balanced diet. If you're eating nothing but rabbit food, you'll feel hungry. Real oatmeal is a good cereal. Quaker also makes some instant oatmeals specifically for weight control and heart health. Both are higher in fiber than their other instant oatmeal. Any cereal high in fiber (check the label) will be good. I can't stand to even look at skim milk, but 1% is fine. If you're using whole milk, try 2%. When you get used to it, drop down to 1%. Maybe you can tolerate skim, but personally, it looks blue to me, and that freaks me out. Breads should be high in fiber. All wheat breads are not created equal. Compare the fiber on the nutritional labels. I admit I prefer white bread, but I try to get in wheat or rye at least half the time.A few good choices for lunches are salads - add some grilled chicken (protien) and it will stay with you longer. Be careful of the salads at fast food restaurants. If you check out their websites for nutritional information, you can compare the calories and fat. Some salads with their dressing are no better than eating a big mac! Or make a sandwich on high fiber bread. I like tuna with low fat mayo, or turkey breast with mustard. Stick some lettuce in too - adds fiber!Good dinner choices are grilled chicken, turkey or fish, plenty of veggies. Since you crave sweets, check out low or no fat puddings. They make a nice dessert or snack, but don't eat more of them just because they're low in fat. Sometimes low fat foods are higher in calories, to make them taste better. Always read your labels. Add little snacks thru your day. Those individual servings of applesauce make nice snacks, and are good for your sweet cravings. I like to get the cinnamon applesauce, and pretend it's apple pie. I think it's important to treat yourself occasionally to something you really like - maybe a slice of pizza. If you deny yourself all the time, you'll eventually go nuts and eat way more than you would have if you just had a little now and then.It's great that you're exercising. That keeps your metabolism up, and you can actually eat more than someone who doesn't exercise. Just eat healthy well balanced meals, keep up your exercise and you'll do great!
baby carrots are great snacks... kashi is a great cereal brand and so is special k, eat about a cup of cereal with a cup of skim milk. celery, apples, oranges, whole grain-low fat crackers, whole grain bread, pineapple, etc. are all GREAT for snacking
im trying this thing were i only eat a jelly sand wich for each meal (7 small meals a day) and i have to do cardio and weight lifting almost all day but nothing that will make you pass out. like when your a kid and rotate to each station that what im doing so i dont do the same old thing for 4 hours what this does is put your body in shock bye doing this it makes you sweat off pounds like the wind it self
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plz plan out a schedlue for me..like morning what i shud eat..fo r lunch..etc?
i am not overweight..i exercise..but i am afraid tht due to this prob, i mite gain wieght..plzzzzzzzzzz help me..i end up eating 6-7 bread slices with sugared milk a cup-full every night...hellllppp :(
You want to increase fiber and drink lots of water. That will keep you from feeling hungry. If you're craving sweets, try things like apples or oranges. They're sweet and have fiber. Be sure you're eating a well balanced diet. If you're eating nothing but rabbit food, you'll feel hungry. Real oatmeal is a good cereal. Quaker also makes some instant oatmeals specifically for weight control and heart health. Both are higher in fiber than their other instant oatmeal. Any cereal high in fiber (check the label) will be good. I can't stand to even look at skim milk, but 1% is fine. If you're using whole milk, try 2%. When you get used to it, drop down to 1%. Maybe you can tolerate skim, but personally, it looks blue to me, and that freaks me out. Breads should be high in fiber. All wheat breads are not created equal. Compare the fiber on the nutritional labels. I admit I prefer white bread, but I try to get in wheat or rye at least half the time.A few good choices for lunches are salads - add some grilled chicken (protien) and it will stay with you longer. Be careful of the salads at fast food restaurants. If you check out their websites for nutritional information, you can compare the calories and fat. Some salads with their dressing are no better than eating a big mac! Or make a sandwich on high fiber bread. I like tuna with low fat mayo, or turkey breast with mustard. Stick some lettuce in too - adds fiber!Good dinner choices are grilled chicken, turkey or fish, plenty of veggies. Since you crave sweets, check out low or no fat puddings. They make a nice dessert or snack, but don't eat more of them just because they're low in fat. Sometimes low fat foods are higher in calories, to make them taste better. Always read your labels. Add little snacks thru your day. Those individual servings of applesauce make nice snacks, and are good for your sweet cravings. I like to get the cinnamon applesauce, and pretend it's apple pie. I think it's important to treat yourself occasionally to something you really like - maybe a slice of pizza. If you deny yourself all the time, you'll eventually go nuts and eat way more than you would have if you just had a little now and then.It's great that you're exercising. That keeps your metabolism up, and you can actually eat more than someone who doesn't exercise. Just eat healthy well balanced meals, keep up your exercise and you'll do great!
baby carrots are great snacks... kashi is a great cereal brand and so is special k, eat about a cup of cereal with a cup of skim milk. celery, apples, oranges, whole grain-low fat crackers, whole grain bread, pineapple, etc. are all GREAT for snacking
im trying this thing were i only eat a jelly sand wich for each meal (7 small meals a day) and i have to do cardio and weight lifting almost all day but nothing that will make you pass out. like when your a kid and rotate to each station that what im doing so i dont do the same old thing for 4 hours what this does is put your body in shock bye doing this it makes you sweat off pounds like the wind it self
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I Can Not do one push up or sit up!! any tips??
I am to take a fitness test in exactly 1 month!! and i can not do one push nor one sit up!! I can do crunches, and "girl" push ups! I had been using my treadmill sometimes but I am not in tip top shape! I weigh 142 lbs, 5'7...I recently lost alot of weight I use to weigh 180lbs! but the test consists of running 1.5 mile in less than 16 min and do 28 push ups (no time limit), 32 sit ups in under a min! OMG I am scared I will not pass! Any one with any tips pls HELP! my friend just bought me naNO VAPOR (pre-workout supplement) and says it will give me endurance...I was taking ACCESS bars and they worked really good ( for my not so hard prev. work outs!!0!!
Okay, well push-ups are mainly using your triceps as any pushing uses triceps, and pulling uses biceps. You could try tricep dips on your stairs, or even using the floor. Also, keep practicing with "girl push-ups" until you're strong enough to do regular push-ups. As for sit-ups, I'm not sure why you're not able to do any?
Just do it everyday and you'll get the hang of it. Then, it will look really easy.
Try lifting hand weights to strengthen your arms at first. They will maybe feel sore for a little while but dont give up. And keep trying those push ups and sit ups. I went from only being able to do about 2 to 20 in a month. You just have to keep doing it and you will get stronger and in better shape as time goes by. If you work really hard Im sure you could do more than 20 tho. Good luck
running 1.5 miles isnt hard at all.
for that you might just wanna go to a gym work on your leg muscles and run every other day [start with 2 blocks than go up]sit ups are very easy.
i do about 55 in 60 seconds.
just do sit ups during commericals when you watch tv.then for the push ups.
i cant even do 4!
i would suggest going to your local gym or just buying some weights [about 5lb weights] and repeat lifting them up and down, then back and forth.you should try dry land.
look it up on google for something.
it gets you in great shape.
I think the best advice would be to go to a gym and ask the trainer guy. Soon!!
Try swimming. If you swim laps for an hour every day, you will tone and strengthen every muscle you need for the sit ups and push ups, plus develop your wind for the run. Also, go and get a good quality multi-vitamin from a health food store, a brand such as Nature's Plus. Good luck!
Okay, well push-ups are mainly using your triceps as any pushing uses triceps, and pulling uses biceps. You could try tricep dips on your stairs, or even using the floor. Also, keep practicing with "girl push-ups" until you're strong enough to do regular push-ups. As for sit-ups, I'm not sure why you're not able to do any?
Just do it everyday and you'll get the hang of it. Then, it will look really easy.
Try lifting hand weights to strengthen your arms at first. They will maybe feel sore for a little while but dont give up. And keep trying those push ups and sit ups. I went from only being able to do about 2 to 20 in a month. You just have to keep doing it and you will get stronger and in better shape as time goes by. If you work really hard Im sure you could do more than 20 tho. Good luck
running 1.5 miles isnt hard at all.
for that you might just wanna go to a gym work on your leg muscles and run every other day [start with 2 blocks than go up]sit ups are very easy.
i do about 55 in 60 seconds.
just do sit ups during commericals when you watch tv.then for the push ups.
i cant even do 4!
i would suggest going to your local gym or just buying some weights [about 5lb weights] and repeat lifting them up and down, then back and forth.you should try dry land.
look it up on google for something.
it gets you in great shape.
I think the best advice would be to go to a gym and ask the trainer guy. Soon!!
Try swimming. If you swim laps for an hour every day, you will tone and strengthen every muscle you need for the sit ups and push ups, plus develop your wind for the run. Also, go and get a good quality multi-vitamin from a health food store, a brand such as Nature's Plus. Good luck!
I can eat as many as i like..?
carrots or celery..if am hungry..this won't be a problem weigh wise? its my new snack lol
Carrots contain no fat and celery has negative calories, so go for it!!
well they still have calories so dont just add themto your diet make sure they are a replacment for unhealthy foods
its great to eat healthy fruits and vegetables but the key to any diet or healty lifestyle is portion control. about as big as your fist. sounds weird now but you'll get used to it. :)
Snack-wise, it's okay, but think of this-
You'll get VERY bored with just carrot sticks and celery. Make it fun, buy some dip, make a salad. Find recipes that make things tasty and interesting.
Most likely if you just have little pieces of vegies, you'll start craving junk because you get bored with your diet.
If you eat too many Carrots your skin might turn orange. Unless you think that is a good look for you..
Not sure, but I've always heard celery is a "negative calorie food," meaning, it burns more calories to chew and digest celery than the actual number of calories the celery contains in the first place. Carrots, however, do have a good bit of natural sugars in them. That is why carrots are usually restricted on low-carb diets. But they are very nutritious. Just make sure you aren't adding too many calories with high-fat dips, etc.
Carrots contain no fat and celery has negative calories, so go for it!!
well they still have calories so dont just add themto your diet make sure they are a replacment for unhealthy foods
its great to eat healthy fruits and vegetables but the key to any diet or healty lifestyle is portion control. about as big as your fist. sounds weird now but you'll get used to it. :)
Snack-wise, it's okay, but think of this-
You'll get VERY bored with just carrot sticks and celery. Make it fun, buy some dip, make a salad. Find recipes that make things tasty and interesting.
Most likely if you just have little pieces of vegies, you'll start craving junk because you get bored with your diet.
If you eat too many Carrots your skin might turn orange. Unless you think that is a good look for you..
Not sure, but I've always heard celery is a "negative calorie food," meaning, it burns more calories to chew and digest celery than the actual number of calories the celery contains in the first place. Carrots, however, do have a good bit of natural sugars in them. That is why carrots are usually restricted on low-carb diets. But they are very nutritious. Just make sure you aren't adding too many calories with high-fat dips, etc.
I can do about 100 push ups in sets on 20, would you consider that: below average, average, or above average??
i do the sets with about a 5 - 7 minute brake inbetween
i'd consider it pointless. your body adapts quickly to using your own body weight as resistance. start doing some work with weights.
i would say above average, but it depends
That is very good for you to do, but also remember to drink lots of water and rest and stretch in between your sets Also remember to stretch before and after your workouts.
I guess you did not include every details. You did not mention your body-built, your body mass index, your age. The answer is most likely to be average.
average where im from and people that ive known who workout,and compete in wrestling, martial arts and boxing. it really becomes not as important as how much you can bench press or squat or how long you can last on the mat if ure wrestling or doing mma. just my opinion.
In gym at my high school we must do 10 sets of 10 with 2 minute breaks in between...if thats any measure for you. You seem to be doing good though. Hope I helped. =]
that's above average. Pushups are ARGUABLY the best upper body workout to come about. They work virtually every muscle in the upper back and chest, and target the entire arm. Try doing them with less rest in between sets. Aim for about 2 minutes and you'll be on your way. Also, try changing up your hand placement to target different muscle groups!
It's better than the average overweight, out of shape American.But you need to go past the burn and keep the pace slow. Like 3x30 or 2x50. I've read push-ups are NOT good for the shoulder joint/capsule, as witnessed by the large number of shoulder injuries among those in the military.
Join a gym if you want to even get close to your potential.
You don't say your age. Regardless, I think 100 pushups is way above averidge. Most guys couldn't do 20 pushups.
It's above average for the average person that can't do 3.It's average for people that work out on a semi-regular basis. And I would say it's below average for somebody that does a lot of pushups a day. For more information check out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/zanta. He claims to do between 2000 and 3000 pushups a day.
i'd consider it pointless. your body adapts quickly to using your own body weight as resistance. start doing some work with weights.
i would say above average, but it depends
That is very good for you to do, but also remember to drink lots of water and rest and stretch in between your sets Also remember to stretch before and after your workouts.
I guess you did not include every details. You did not mention your body-built, your body mass index, your age. The answer is most likely to be average.
average where im from and people that ive known who workout,and compete in wrestling, martial arts and boxing. it really becomes not as important as how much you can bench press or squat or how long you can last on the mat if ure wrestling or doing mma. just my opinion.
In gym at my high school we must do 10 sets of 10 with 2 minute breaks in between...if thats any measure for you. You seem to be doing good though. Hope I helped. =]
that's above average. Pushups are ARGUABLY the best upper body workout to come about. They work virtually every muscle in the upper back and chest, and target the entire arm. Try doing them with less rest in between sets. Aim for about 2 minutes and you'll be on your way. Also, try changing up your hand placement to target different muscle groups!
It's better than the average overweight, out of shape American.But you need to go past the burn and keep the pace slow. Like 3x30 or 2x50. I've read push-ups are NOT good for the shoulder joint/capsule, as witnessed by the large number of shoulder injuries among those in the military.
Join a gym if you want to even get close to your potential.
You don't say your age. Regardless, I think 100 pushups is way above averidge. Most guys couldn't do 20 pushups.
It's above average for the average person that can't do 3.It's average for people that work out on a semi-regular basis. And I would say it's below average for somebody that does a lot of pushups a day. For more information check out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/zanta. He claims to do between 2000 and 3000 pushups a day.
I burn between 2300-4000 calories a day, 6 times a week through intense cardio. How many calories should eat?
How many calories should I eat to keep from losing muscle but maintain a decent amount of weight loss? According to several sites, my body should burn around 3300 calories a day not counting the hour and a half to two hours of intense cardio. I've been keeping my calorie count around 1200, but I'm afraid that is not enough for maintenance of muscles as well as keeping my metabolism at a decent level. Any and all knowledgeable help is welcome.( And for those who think that the workout is a bit excessive, my doctor has been running test to make sure I can handle it).
everybody is different. you have to play around with your calories.i think 1200 is very low for someone as active as you.i would try to stay at 2500 a day. make sure its quality calories. make sure you have a steady intake of protien, at least 300 grams a day. this will help you from losing muscle.
2300-4000 ? Yeah right. You'd have to run about 4 hours at 11Mph to burn that many... unless you're counting your BMR as well, but that's cheating. I'm sorry if I sound a little incredulous.
everybody is different. you have to play around with your calories.i think 1200 is very low for someone as active as you.i would try to stay at 2500 a day. make sure its quality calories. make sure you have a steady intake of protien, at least 300 grams a day. this will help you from losing muscle.
2300-4000 ? Yeah right. You'd have to run about 4 hours at 11Mph to burn that many... unless you're counting your BMR as well, but that's cheating. I'm sorry if I sound a little incredulous.
I burn 250 calories an hour on my treadmill by continuing to do this can i lose 15 pounds in four weeks?
In theory, yes. But in reality: things don't work that nicely. After a while of the same activity, the number of calories burned changes...
If you also cut the calories you consume daily, you could possiably lose 15 pounds in a month. Good luck!
3500 calories = 1 pound of fat.you should spread that out over 1 week so that's about 500 calories per dayHence if you normally eat 2000 calories, you should reduce that amount by 500 either by eating 1500 or by working out 250 and eating 1750...by doing this, you'd lose 1 pound that week. Keep in mind that if you are burning 250 calories a day but then eating a bag of chips after you work out, you didn't really do anything.It is not safe to lose more than 1-2 pounds per week so you would only be able to lose 4-8 pounds safely in 4 weeks but you could lose 15 pounds in 8 weeks by cutting out 1000 calories per day (be honest, do you eat chips, chocolate, coffee, etc...those can all go and be replaced by celery, yogurt, herbal tea or water)hope this helps
as long as you are eating properly. nutrition accounts for 80% of the way you look so you could walk/run on your treadmill as much as you want and never lose anything if you are not eating properly. the healthy weight loss rate is 1-2 lbs a week so as long as you are eating well its feasible that you could lose about 15 lbs in four weeks. however everyone has a different metabolic rate so don't expect perfect results. it might take you a little longer it might be quicker for you. because i don't know you i can't determine this.
well it depends on what you are eating,
I broke my ankle, what kind of exercises can I do in bed??
Hi. I broke my ankle last week and had surgery on it where they had to put in 10 screws and a plate. Im in pain still so Ive had to be staying in bed with my foot propped up, if I get up the weight of the cast is really hard on my ankle, and all the blood rushes down which is also painful. I just started dieting and working out right before this happened, and now i cant do what i was doing before. WHAT KIND OF EXERCISES CAN I DO IN BED? I would like to lose weight and tone up. Im not expecting GREAT results because i know there is not much i can do in bed. But at least SOMETHING! Please help! Thanks! :-)
You could try some isometric exercises for your upper body. Possible small dumbbells might help you tone up.You can't do much with your leg and ankle until the doctor clears you for that sort of exercise. Try to do low impact exercises when that does happen. Swimming, biking. That sort of thing.Good luck. Ankles are hard to heal, but you can do it if you behave yourself. There are some other exercises you can do in bed, but I don't think you're looking for that sort of answer and I'm not going there.
Leg lifts?
nothing to do i bed just remember to God he will ur problem very soo
I strongly recommend that you talk to your Dr. in regard to this matter. You don't want to do anything to jeopardize your injury. I had surgery on my driving knee and didn't listen. It didn't heal right. Now in pain for ever. if you are in pain you need to rest so the body can repair. There are things you can to for those that are bed bound, but again. Talk to a DR.
hello kimberly now that is a very good question hon what would be interested in doing for exercise may be i can be of some help give me a shout right now if you are available to chat with me email me ok hon
You could try some isometric exercises for your upper body. Possible small dumbbells might help you tone up.You can't do much with your leg and ankle until the doctor clears you for that sort of exercise. Try to do low impact exercises when that does happen. Swimming, biking. That sort of thing.Good luck. Ankles are hard to heal, but you can do it if you behave yourself. There are some other exercises you can do in bed, but I don't think you're looking for that sort of answer and I'm not going there.
Leg lifts?
nothing to do i bed just remember to God he will ur problem very soo
I strongly recommend that you talk to your Dr. in regard to this matter. You don't want to do anything to jeopardize your injury. I had surgery on my driving knee and didn't listen. It didn't heal right. Now in pain for ever. if you are in pain you need to rest so the body can repair. There are things you can to for those that are bed bound, but again. Talk to a DR.
hello kimberly now that is a very good question hon what would be interested in doing for exercise may be i can be of some help give me a shout right now if you are available to chat with me email me ok hon
I bought creatine powder,i'm not sure the beast way or easyiest way to use ?
hey! so have i!! 2 days ago
im taking it as a drink b4 and after i go to the gym
got mine in asda
am following the instructions on the jar
Side Effects of Creatine ill watch this question to see other answers- let us know how u get on and ill do the same
good luck!The major side effect of creatine use is creatine's ability to pull water into the muscle cells. Because creatine takes water into the muscle cells, many other tissues of the body may not be full hydrated. In this environment, if not enough water is taken in, it is much more likely that one can become dehydrated. Therefore, it is VERY important to drink an optimal amount of water while supplementing with creatine. Creatineinformation.net recommends to "Drink at least 1-2 ounces of water daily per kilogram of body weight while supplementing".
having the first foggiest what it is! hey hey qwerty qwerty qwerty long time no see pal xx
Follow the instructions on the back and mix it with fresh orange juice or blackcurrant juice. Any other drink tastes disgusting.
Teaspoon a day!You could go for the whole "loading with 3 spoons a day for 3 weeks and then one week off" method but ask yourself - If they say "stop for 1 week to allow your kidneys to recover" - do you really want to be putting your kidneys through all that when you first use it?
A trick I learnt was instead of mixing it into a drink (it doesn't mix or disolve!) I just put a teaspoon's worth in my mouth and then drank it down. Much quicker and easier.
read the instructions carefully and be careful of loading.recent research suggests taking creatine two hours before training increases performance.I hope it's creatine monohydrate.
I binged and now i feel sick,,,besides not doing it again, how can i feel better?
I would suggest you drink a cup of warm green tea (or just warm water if you don't have tea). Walk around a bit for 20 mins or so.
Hope you feel better.
drink a cup of peppermint tea, or take a hot shower, these generally work for me.
Pepto Bismol helps me. .
Drink Pepto Bismol, works wonders very quickly
I believe i need to gain weight...?
im 5'9 and weigh in the 116 to 125 range. what are some good healthy ways to gain weight?i want to gain around 10 - 15 pounds
wow u are skinny... umm well eat healthy but make bigger portions then usuall small ones.. eat meat and more carbs but again stay healthy u dont want to gain weight by eating junk
eat until you are full and keep on eat alot
If you are 125 pounds and that height, your BMI is 18.5This is a NORMAL BMI. If you are any lighter than 125 then you are underweight. A normal BMI ranges from between 18.5 and 24.9To gain weight safely, I would reccommend seeing a dietician. Just make sure you eat at least 3 main meals a day. Sometimes, eating little and often can help. Try taking 6 small meals in a day and see if that helps. Take pleanty of fibre and protein.
Slightly increase your daily diat, and try to keep your mind very relaxed and cool, Lough as much as you can, i ment stay cool share some jokes with guys, and the real thing - if not married try to find a Bride very quickly.I think this will do.%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;
Don't worry too much about gaining or losing weight-Just try to be healthy! Give up unhealthy foods--sugar is very bad because it can cause intestinal parasites that can keep you thin (or fat) meat is also very bad for you--very acidic! walk every day -breathe deep--and eat vegetables fruits and milk--milk is great for gaining weight if you put it in the blender with bananas-- but you should buy raw milk--find a farmer--the milk in the store is not healthy! good luck!
If i was you i would try to eat more protien and healthy carbs, in larger portions. You may want to eat things such as jamba juice smoothies which contain a lot of calories and can help you gain weight. Avoid junk food, even though it will help you gain weight it will add weight in bad places and leave you feeling unhealthy. There is always supplements and protien powder to add to your food to help you bulk up.
Hope it helped!
I'm in the same boat you are, I suggest that you try working out. I gained a lot of weight when I workout because I eat a lot after each workout trying to replaced the burned calories. Plus, you gain muscle mass.
wow u are skinny... umm well eat healthy but make bigger portions then usuall small ones.. eat meat and more carbs but again stay healthy u dont want to gain weight by eating junk
eat until you are full and keep on eat alot
If you are 125 pounds and that height, your BMI is 18.5This is a NORMAL BMI. If you are any lighter than 125 then you are underweight. A normal BMI ranges from between 18.5 and 24.9To gain weight safely, I would reccommend seeing a dietician. Just make sure you eat at least 3 main meals a day. Sometimes, eating little and often can help. Try taking 6 small meals in a day and see if that helps. Take pleanty of fibre and protein.
Slightly increase your daily diat, and try to keep your mind very relaxed and cool, Lough as much as you can, i ment stay cool share some jokes with guys, and the real thing - if not married try to find a Bride very quickly.I think this will do.%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;
Don't worry too much about gaining or losing weight-Just try to be healthy! Give up unhealthy foods--sugar is very bad because it can cause intestinal parasites that can keep you thin (or fat) meat is also very bad for you--very acidic! walk every day -breathe deep--and eat vegetables fruits and milk--milk is great for gaining weight if you put it in the blender with bananas-- but you should buy raw milk--find a farmer--the milk in the store is not healthy! good luck!
If i was you i would try to eat more protien and healthy carbs, in larger portions. You may want to eat things such as jamba juice smoothies which contain a lot of calories and can help you gain weight. Avoid junk food, even though it will help you gain weight it will add weight in bad places and leave you feeling unhealthy. There is always supplements and protien powder to add to your food to help you bulk up.
Hope it helped!
I'm in the same boat you are, I suggest that you try working out. I gained a lot of weight when I workout because I eat a lot after each workout trying to replaced the burned calories. Plus, you gain muscle mass.
I bake my chicken, not grill it?
Hi...I;m trying to lose weight...and I;ve been eating alot healthier, but when I eat chicken, i dont grill it. for some reasons, 1 because im 13 and cant work a grill for nothing in the world 2 and if i could work a grill, i am too lazy to get up and stand at a grill...
3 the grill we have is outside and is meant to be used outside, and i still dnt wanna stand there, burning myself, and waiting so long, im 13 and i am usualy the one who cooks dinner for my family.i dont have a mom who does it. so if i could just cook for myself on an easy grill i would do it. but that would be rude and selfish, so i only bake the chicken, is this ruining my diet? if it is, how can i make it betteer for me without grilling it?
Baking is as healthy as grilling the chicken. However, don't over baked the chicken, because anything that is over cooked will lose its nutrients and the only thing that you are eating if it is overbaked is just junk. Also, don't add any butter or anything else that is high in sodium, because it will ruined your body by losing water.
When baking chicken, makes sure that you have the fat trimmed, but don't trim all the fat! Why? Because the fat also acts as flavoring and liquid for the chicken. If you trim all the fat out, the chiken will surely became dry when baked and it will have a bland taste. So, little fat is okay, just in moderation.
it is not the baking that is a problem.frying it would be.so long as you make sure the cuts of chicken are lean to begin with (trim off ALL the fat) then you shouldn't worry.
Baked i just as healthy, if not healthier, than grilling, provided you don't coat it in any oils.
Smart question for someone so young. You should be proud that you are helping your family by being concerned about the health of the food your cooking. Baking is one of the most healthy ways you can cook. Baking does not require you to use butters or oils as you would need if you were frying or sauteing. Don't feel bad about baking at all; you're doing just fine. You can mix up the dishes pretty easily also, just so you don't get tired of the same thing all the time. Oh, and you can bake anything including beef, fish and pork in addition to the chicken. Good luck and healthy eating! Also, if you are trying to lose weight you will need to incorporate some form of excercise and avoid junk food also.
NO. Just remove the skin.
3 the grill we have is outside and is meant to be used outside, and i still dnt wanna stand there, burning myself, and waiting so long, im 13 and i am usualy the one who cooks dinner for my family.i dont have a mom who does it. so if i could just cook for myself on an easy grill i would do it. but that would be rude and selfish, so i only bake the chicken, is this ruining my diet? if it is, how can i make it betteer for me without grilling it?
Baking is as healthy as grilling the chicken. However, don't over baked the chicken, because anything that is over cooked will lose its nutrients and the only thing that you are eating if it is overbaked is just junk. Also, don't add any butter or anything else that is high in sodium, because it will ruined your body by losing water.
When baking chicken, makes sure that you have the fat trimmed, but don't trim all the fat! Why? Because the fat also acts as flavoring and liquid for the chicken. If you trim all the fat out, the chiken will surely became dry when baked and it will have a bland taste. So, little fat is okay, just in moderation.
it is not the baking that is a problem.frying it would be.so long as you make sure the cuts of chicken are lean to begin with (trim off ALL the fat) then you shouldn't worry.
Baked i just as healthy, if not healthier, than grilling, provided you don't coat it in any oils.
Smart question for someone so young. You should be proud that you are helping your family by being concerned about the health of the food your cooking. Baking is one of the most healthy ways you can cook. Baking does not require you to use butters or oils as you would need if you were frying or sauteing. Don't feel bad about baking at all; you're doing just fine. You can mix up the dishes pretty easily also, just so you don't get tired of the same thing all the time. Oh, and you can bake anything including beef, fish and pork in addition to the chicken. Good luck and healthy eating! Also, if you are trying to lose weight you will need to incorporate some form of excercise and avoid junk food also.
NO. Just remove the skin.
I ate way too much seafood & it was really late at night :(?
how many calories are in a steakcut 'king' fish,and about how many calories per shriimp [ all grilled ]
Do not bother.Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
Do not bother.Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
I ate cake?
im trying to gain wieght but in a healthy way, so why do people say its bad to eat foods like cakes, and ice creams even if your trying to gain wieght? is it because it my turn to fat, or does all the food you eat turn to fat, since its extra? Whats worse to eat 6 servings of Dryers Loaded Cookies and Cream or 2 slices of yellow cake with confetti sprinkles and buttermilk icing?
alright your trying to gain weight the reason not to eat stuff like cake is because it has no nutrients and is high in sugar and fats. Your body needs those to so U will gain weight but be un healthy. Secondly I can only imagine your trying to still look good eating a lot of cake is going to turn U into the fat girl at parties that the guys never talk to. Finally U need to eat stuff high in protein and at least work out. Not cardio but resistance to build your muscle and keep your body together so U don't end up the "fat girl". If U don't want to be muscular eat what U want and work out some this way U wont look like a man but not the "fat girl"Hope it helps.
hmm i would think its better to eat the cake but it depends on the serving size
are you trying to gain weight or get a more well rounded body. think about....
Well, if you want to gain weight, just increase the portions of good food. You might want to gain weight, but what's the use if you're not healthy by eating sugar and simple carbs? You CAN gain weight by eating right, you know.
Of course, this doesn't mean that you're forbidden to eat cake, just eat in proportion.
i think that both of these sound really good %26heartrs;
alright your trying to gain weight the reason not to eat stuff like cake is because it has no nutrients and is high in sugar and fats. Your body needs those to so U will gain weight but be un healthy. Secondly I can only imagine your trying to still look good eating a lot of cake is going to turn U into the fat girl at parties that the guys never talk to. Finally U need to eat stuff high in protein and at least work out. Not cardio but resistance to build your muscle and keep your body together so U don't end up the "fat girl". If U don't want to be muscular eat what U want and work out some this way U wont look like a man but not the "fat girl"Hope it helps.
hmm i would think its better to eat the cake but it depends on the serving size
are you trying to gain weight or get a more well rounded body. think about....
Well, if you want to gain weight, just increase the portions of good food. You might want to gain weight, but what's the use if you're not healthy by eating sugar and simple carbs? You CAN gain weight by eating right, you know.
Of course, this doesn't mean that you're forbidden to eat cake, just eat in proportion.
i think that both of these sound really good %26heartrs;
I ate 300 calories this morning at 7am how much will I lose in a week if I continue to do this?
Weight:am now 235 from the gross 305I want to eaty like this ranging in calories from 200-500 in the morning and then fast.How much will I lose and whats my ideal weight?
Depends on a few factors such as Body Mass Index, Heredity, DNA, Lifestyle, Eating Habits and Emotional Well Being. I wish you luck sista! I need to lose my gut and I just don't have the motivation to do it without help. Funny... when I was in the military... I did it on my own. I need a personal trainer and some serious workout equipment!
I really hope you don't intend for this to be your total calorie intake for the day. What will happen is your body will think it is starving, and store as much fat as possible.Much better to eat regular light meals, which will keep your metabolism high.
you're doing it all wrong.
you won't continue losing 'cause your body needs 1000 cal/day to function. continue starving yourself, and your body will just store those 3-500 calories thinking it's not going to be fed again. you need to eat 5x/day to keep your metabolism going at a constant (consistent) rate. try eating 5- 200 calorie meal/snacks a day
you have to continue to eat throughout the day or your body will gain weight because it stores fat when it doesnt know its getting food. the more you weigh the more calories you need
yo won't because you need to eat 6 small meals a day and at least an hour or two of excersice, PORTION your food.Like me i'd weighed 277and now i'am 130 in less than a year.and i still get to enjoy the foods i really love!
Eating less is a good start, if for no other reason it teaches you discipline and to pay attention to what you consume. However, it is better to eat several small, low calorie items throughout the course of the day.This, in conjunction with an increase in exercise of any kind will work. Go for walks, swim, anything to increase your metabolism.Also, if you haven't done so, cut out sugary drinks. Replace soda with tea or water. Some people consume a thousand such empty calories or more per day in soda alone.Good luck!
If you want to eat 200-500 calories for breakfast, then set a limit for lunch and dinner, as well. As everyone has told you, one meal a day is not enough for your body to function; you'll start gaining weight again...your body will lose fat first, then it will burn into your muscle, which is not good. I don't know if you're into eating 5-6 times a day, but maybe try eating three 400 calorie meals per day, which will put you at 1200 calories total, which happens to be the bare minimum intake for females. Don't be afraid to eat, just eat less than you're burning; I mean, how did you lose 70 lbs? That's pretty amazing. Good luck!
Forgive my harsh words but that is a TERRIBLE IDEA!! NEVER eat less than 700 calories a day, that's just killing your body. You'll lose as much GOOD tissue as fatty tissue. Ask any nutritionist, weight loss coach, or anybody who knows about the human body... it's suicide, don't do it. There's no easy or fast way to lose weight other than eat less calories than you burn, and exercise. Eat healthy food for 3 meals a day, or 6 small meals. Just eat less calorie dense foods and smaller portions. But seriously, fasting won't make you lose weight. It makes your body shut down and go into starvation mode where it stops burning fat cells. To lose weight you MUST EAT, just eat less and eat healthier.
Not only what the posters above said, but if you don't take in adequate protein, your body starts to burn muscle for fuel. The heart is a muscle and a starvation diet like that can result in heart damage. This is not a good long term diet. It might be OK for a couple of days, but you have to burn an extra 3500 calories for every pound you want to lose so it won't be effective in a short time. Also, it doesn't teach you how to eat healthy and maintain your weight. You would be much better off to structure a 1000-1200 calorie a day diet with regular eating intervals and add exercise to boost your metabolism, build muscle and burn more calories.
you need to eat 1200 calories every day to maintain a healthy body.I know it's tempting to only eat 600 or so calories and then "fast" for the rest of the day, but all you are doing is sending your metabolism a message that you are starving, so it slows down and adjusts to whatever you are eating.Unfortunately, that means you could be eating as little as 600+ calories a day and after a couple of weeks weight loss you will plateu... then as soon as you eat more than that in a day, as you will eventually do, that extra will be converted to fat.I speak from experience. It is a very disastrous thing to mess up your metabolism from "fasting" as it stops you being ever again able to manage your weight.. you WILL end up being FAT if you do not manage your weight by healthy nutrition set at mininum 1200 calories per day, and some healthy exercise.sorry I don't have better news, but I'm now 49 years old, and I 'dieted" for 20 years as a model, and have fought my weight all my life as a result, and without ANY success for the past 10 years... just slowly keep getting bigger, no matter what I do, so BE CAREFUL to nurture your body properly, and it will WORK WITH YOU instead of against you, to be healthy and it will balance its weight.Here are some healthy ways to burn more calories;http://www.best-natural-cures-health-gui...This article talks about how laughing is a great way to burn calories %26 improve health.http://www.best-natural-cures-health-gui...
first of all, good for you for losing 70lbs!
second of all, don't eat 300 calories a day.
what happens, is that you will do this, for about 1-3 days, than you will BINGE! ie; eat a whole bag of chips, a whole loaf of bread and butter, a whole chocolate cake, and then get angry at yourself, maybe even barf it up out of guilt. etc etc.also, don't count calories! The word calorie means "heat energy" - and energy is good! You only need to watch where the calories come from, don't think quantity, think quality. ie; a 300 calorie piece of cake is not the same as a hard boiled egg, a cup of carrots and 2 pieces of dry whole wheat toast. Also, I'm sure you've heard it 17 times, don't eat after 7pm, and eat a LIGHT dinner. Don't do the steak, salad, potatoes, try something more like a chicken breast salad with lots of veggies and a light dressing ... it may not be as filling as the steak dinner, but you sure will have more energy.in terms of how quickly, at your weight, you often shed weight quicker, so maybe, if you stick to these thoughts and excercise for an hour or so everyday you may lose 10lbs every 12 days? on more thing, excercise in MODERATION! Don't push yourself! walk for 1/2 hour the first couple days, then an hour the next and so on and so forth, slowly moving up to maybe an hour bike ride each day. Also, stay away from running, you injure your knees and the rest of you for that matter, quickly and easily! 'Cause if you're injured, you won't lose any weight.I hope this helps.good luck!
you need way more calories
in the morning.
it gets you more active.
%26%26 your body will know if
your going to starve yourself.
so it will store all of that and
it`ll be worst than eating.
Weight:am now 235 from the gross 305I want to eaty like this ranging in calories from 200-500 in the morning and then fast.How much will I lose and whats my ideal weight?
Depends on a few factors such as Body Mass Index, Heredity, DNA, Lifestyle, Eating Habits and Emotional Well Being. I wish you luck sista! I need to lose my gut and I just don't have the motivation to do it without help. Funny... when I was in the military... I did it on my own. I need a personal trainer and some serious workout equipment!
I really hope you don't intend for this to be your total calorie intake for the day. What will happen is your body will think it is starving, and store as much fat as possible.Much better to eat regular light meals, which will keep your metabolism high.
you're doing it all wrong.
you won't continue losing 'cause your body needs 1000 cal/day to function. continue starving yourself, and your body will just store those 3-500 calories thinking it's not going to be fed again. you need to eat 5x/day to keep your metabolism going at a constant (consistent) rate. try eating 5- 200 calorie meal/snacks a day
you have to continue to eat throughout the day or your body will gain weight because it stores fat when it doesnt know its getting food. the more you weigh the more calories you need
yo won't because you need to eat 6 small meals a day and at least an hour or two of excersice, PORTION your food.Like me i'd weighed 277and now i'am 130 in less than a year.and i still get to enjoy the foods i really love!
Eating less is a good start, if for no other reason it teaches you discipline and to pay attention to what you consume. However, it is better to eat several small, low calorie items throughout the course of the day.This, in conjunction with an increase in exercise of any kind will work. Go for walks, swim, anything to increase your metabolism.Also, if you haven't done so, cut out sugary drinks. Replace soda with tea or water. Some people consume a thousand such empty calories or more per day in soda alone.Good luck!
If you want to eat 200-500 calories for breakfast, then set a limit for lunch and dinner, as well. As everyone has told you, one meal a day is not enough for your body to function; you'll start gaining weight again...your body will lose fat first, then it will burn into your muscle, which is not good. I don't know if you're into eating 5-6 times a day, but maybe try eating three 400 calorie meals per day, which will put you at 1200 calories total, which happens to be the bare minimum intake for females. Don't be afraid to eat, just eat less than you're burning; I mean, how did you lose 70 lbs? That's pretty amazing. Good luck!
Forgive my harsh words but that is a TERRIBLE IDEA!! NEVER eat less than 700 calories a day, that's just killing your body. You'll lose as much GOOD tissue as fatty tissue. Ask any nutritionist, weight loss coach, or anybody who knows about the human body... it's suicide, don't do it. There's no easy or fast way to lose weight other than eat less calories than you burn, and exercise. Eat healthy food for 3 meals a day, or 6 small meals. Just eat less calorie dense foods and smaller portions. But seriously, fasting won't make you lose weight. It makes your body shut down and go into starvation mode where it stops burning fat cells. To lose weight you MUST EAT, just eat less and eat healthier.
Not only what the posters above said, but if you don't take in adequate protein, your body starts to burn muscle for fuel. The heart is a muscle and a starvation diet like that can result in heart damage. This is not a good long term diet. It might be OK for a couple of days, but you have to burn an extra 3500 calories for every pound you want to lose so it won't be effective in a short time. Also, it doesn't teach you how to eat healthy and maintain your weight. You would be much better off to structure a 1000-1200 calorie a day diet with regular eating intervals and add exercise to boost your metabolism, build muscle and burn more calories.
you need to eat 1200 calories every day to maintain a healthy body.I know it's tempting to only eat 600 or so calories and then "fast" for the rest of the day, but all you are doing is sending your metabolism a message that you are starving, so it slows down and adjusts to whatever you are eating.Unfortunately, that means you could be eating as little as 600+ calories a day and after a couple of weeks weight loss you will plateu... then as soon as you eat more than that in a day, as you will eventually do, that extra will be converted to fat.I speak from experience. It is a very disastrous thing to mess up your metabolism from "fasting" as it stops you being ever again able to manage your weight.. you WILL end up being FAT if you do not manage your weight by healthy nutrition set at mininum 1200 calories per day, and some healthy exercise.sorry I don't have better news, but I'm now 49 years old, and I 'dieted" for 20 years as a model, and have fought my weight all my life as a result, and without ANY success for the past 10 years... just slowly keep getting bigger, no matter what I do, so BE CAREFUL to nurture your body properly, and it will WORK WITH YOU instead of against you, to be healthy and it will balance its weight.Here are some healthy ways to burn more calories;http://www.best-natural-cures-health-gui...This article talks about how laughing is a great way to burn calories %26 improve health.http://www.best-natural-cures-health-gui...
first of all, good for you for losing 70lbs!
second of all, don't eat 300 calories a day.
what happens, is that you will do this, for about 1-3 days, than you will BINGE! ie; eat a whole bag of chips, a whole loaf of bread and butter, a whole chocolate cake, and then get angry at yourself, maybe even barf it up out of guilt. etc etc.also, don't count calories! The word calorie means "heat energy" - and energy is good! You only need to watch where the calories come from, don't think quantity, think quality. ie; a 300 calorie piece of cake is not the same as a hard boiled egg, a cup of carrots and 2 pieces of dry whole wheat toast. Also, I'm sure you've heard it 17 times, don't eat after 7pm, and eat a LIGHT dinner. Don't do the steak, salad, potatoes, try something more like a chicken breast salad with lots of veggies and a light dressing ... it may not be as filling as the steak dinner, but you sure will have more energy.in terms of how quickly, at your weight, you often shed weight quicker, so maybe, if you stick to these thoughts and excercise for an hour or so everyday you may lose 10lbs every 12 days? on more thing, excercise in MODERATION! Don't push yourself! walk for 1/2 hour the first couple days, then an hour the next and so on and so forth, slowly moving up to maybe an hour bike ride each day. Also, stay away from running, you injure your knees and the rest of you for that matter, quickly and easily! 'Cause if you're injured, you won't lose any weight.I hope this helps.good luck!
you need way more calories
in the morning.
it gets you more active.
%26%26 your body will know if
your going to starve yourself.
so it will store all of that and
it`ll be worst than eating.
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