Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I creatine really that bad?

I've taken Creatine many times over and found it to be very helpful, I've gotten massive gains and I'm able to lift more and perform at a higher state. So how bad is it? I value your opinions.
First, let me say that I am definitely not a doctor. With that said...Anything taken to an extreme can be bad for you. Too much of a good thing, so to speak.Creatine consists of three amino acids: Arginine, Glycine and Methionine. Our bodies naturally produce creatine to supply our muscles with energy. After production in the kidneys, liver, and pancreas, creatine flows to our muscles via the blood stream. Once there, creatine acts like a gas pump for your muscles. In order to build muscle, your body converts creatine to creatine phosphate (phosphocreatine). So, then, what is creatine phosphate? It regenerates the muscle鈥檚 primary energy source, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This ATP is the fuel that powers your muscles. When working out, ATP is depleted rapidly. Creatine helps make new ATP to keep your muscles from running low. The amino acids described above are fairly common, so I don't believe that taking creatine would be harmful. I have used creatine for years without any ill effects. Definitely don't use more than the recommended amount.
Since it increases your muscular force, you'll be able to lift more weight. However, since your body is not used to carry that much weight, your joints will pay for the excess. This will occur in the worst of the cases though.
I am in the millitary and use it for a long time,i had no problems with it but you must drink at least 1 to 2 gals of water a day to stay hydrated on it.If you dont you can have major problems down the road.

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