Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I do exercise a lot but I'm not any slimmer.Why?What shall I do?

I walk a long distances(really long ones as we live outside of town),ride a bike and run every day.I'm also going for walks for my dog a lot.But the problems is I'm not any slimmer.My legs are strong(which is good)but not thinner!!Why??What shall I do?:-(
Hi DiianaThe one thing you have to try and be here, is patient. Give it time!! There is a great guy who may be able to help.He runs a great site with lots of free info and I totally recommend him and you can check him out here honey.http://kirksmiths.com/promotions/weight_...
Eat more healthier
Less fat %26 sugar in your diet should do the trick
You sound very athletic and most guys prefer that in a woman.You see some women who are too slim and that cant be healthy..
stop eatting pie
You have to add in a healthy diet with your active lifestyle. They go hand in hand.
Look at exercise at accounts payable and diet as accounts receivable. You can get a pretty accurate balance sheet of caloric loss and gain by looking at the values of what you eat and estimates of what you burn by exercising (I know you can find that kind of information on the Internet). Beyond that, it may simply be genetics. You may just have to make peace with your body.
Excercise does not make you slim, unless if you are overweight. Excercise builds up muscle, and makes you fit. Slimming is an entirely different thing... Here's a good article on how to slim legs:http://www.jurgita.com/articles-id176.ht...Hope it all goes well for you!
Eat less junk food, thats the ticket.
You have to exercise a LOT to lose weight, if that's what you mean. Try eating fewer carbs, unless they are whole grain (first ingredient in any product must say "whole"). I just checked with my doctor and asked him which was worse - fat or carbs. He said carbs for sure. That doesn't mean you can just eat a lot of fat, but eat monounsaturated fats - olive oil, for instance. Stay away from high glycemic foods - potatoes, fruit, etc. that have a lot of sugar or convert quickly to sugar (carbs).Most of all, accept your body as it is. It is part of what makes you, you! Good luck!
Losing weight isn't all about exercise. If your not changing your diet, then that could be why you aren't losing weight. Cut out the soft drinks and candies, except dark chocolate. Eat one bar a day. Drink water instead. Eat fish 2x's a week or more. Eat lots of fruits and veggies, but not more than the daily recommended values. Take vitamins to insure your getting your daily values. Eat a good breakfast like the Special K breakfast, or yogurt, toast(lowfat, if any butter),and orange juice. Make sure all your meals are well portioned. Don't eat till your full, only till your not hungry anymore.
Do more butt exercise than other exercises.
Like just stand straight thn do ups and downs
You are doing the right thing.Now, you probably have to adjust some of your eating to get slim.Avoid or reduce the following:
White flour products, white rice, pastry, sugar and sugary drinks, and fats. (Alcohol too)Eat a lot of veggies, beans, lean meat, fish and poultry, fruit, whole flour products, etc.A change in your eating habits will change the quality of calories you intake and will lessen the amount of sugar (which if not burn immediately becomes fat), and fat you store in you body. Give it a try for a month or so and see what happens. You do not have to be totally strict, a snack every once in a while is alright too.
An "athletic" fit woman is attractive, as you know.
If you exercise too much/ overdue it at one time you can put your body in a state of stress which will cause it to release cortisol and thus store fat. Look at the foods you eat and how often you are eating. Small healthy meals every few hours raises you metabolism. You also want to make sure you are not eating foods that will cause insulin spikes like simple sugars, most carbs . Carbs that come from whole grains, veggies and most fruits are good carbs and crucial for optimum health. Berries are the best source for fruit . You want to eat foods with a low glycemic index so that you don't get those insulin spikes. Protein foods help keep you feeling fuller longer but don't go crazy on the protein. Since you exercise a lot I would stay within the 60 grams a day range but too much protein can tax the liver. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Water also helps rid the body of fat and helps the body not to store water which makes you appear heavier. Do not eat before bed. Your metabolism slows during sleep.
How long have you been doing this exercise routine? It sounds fine, and given time will produce results. These things don't happen quickly though, sorry! Keep at it and don't lose too much motivation.
Diiana, I don't see why you wanna have a slimmer legs instead be proud of yourself if they are strong, I love to see those legs , whooo that's what all men like to see, go ahead show us those strong legs baby, why don't you send me some pictures ?

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