Sunday, October 25, 2009

I am losing some weight but have been stuck for over a month not gaining and not losing. i have tried change?

i have tried changing things up like amount of calories and when i eat and adding some excercise.i am no where near my reccomended weight so thats not it--help!
You've hit a plateau. What you should do is try to do double cardio a it in the morning before you eat, and again in the afternoon. Only do this to break the plateau...because if you do this for a long time, your body will adjust to the added exercise, and your results will suffer again. Go on a high protein, low carb/low calorie diet for 3 days and up the carbs and calories on the 4th day so your body doesn't get used to the low calorie intake. If you eat a low calorie diet for an extended time period, your body will adjust its metabolism to make up for the lack in calories. Eat 5 small-medium meals a day...this helps boost your metabolism. Also make sure you are lifting weights trying for progressive resistance. Do 3 sets of 6-12 reps. Start with 6 and work your way to 12, once you can do 12, up the pounds by 5. Abs and legs can have more reps 20-25.Good luck.
Increase the intensity of your exercise. Quality over quantity.
Losing weight can be like that, with stops and starts a long the way. Keep up with your routine, and make sure you're getting plenty of sleep and plenty of fluids, and you should start seeing loss again soon.
This is the most horrible place to be in! I call it the plateau of hell. Believe it or not there is not a physical reason it becomes psychological. Your brain tells your body to store fat because it is stressed( in this case it is emotional stress).Did you ever notice when your happy you lose weight without even trying? You need to try and relax and not obsess over it. Also look into ways to boost your metabolism, like drinking cold water. Varying exercise routines is good too,don't let your body become accustomed to the same regime. Walking outdoors, swimming or dancing are ways to lift your mood and exercise at the same time. Good Luck
when you said you were 'adding some exercise', does that mean you were not exercising before. if you are now, i hope you are concentrating on cardio. If you were before, you need to intensify it. I would not suggest weight training because that will add muscle which will add weight, which sounds like you are trying to lose. drink water more...that will keep you away from worse drinks and from feeling hungry as much. again, intensify your cardio! good luck
I'm with ya there, sister. At first, I lost 7 pounds, bam! In like a week! Then, all of a sudden, I don't gain, or lose! People say i lost my water weight. I still need to be 23 pounds lighter to be at my ideal weight. I go excercise 45 min-1 hour almost everyday and eat right (low carbs, low calories, low sugar, low sodium) and nothing! I starred your question. I don't want to do pills. I'm very against pills. Once you stop taking them, you gain more weight then you originally had.
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