Saturday, October 31, 2009

I am starting a new diet and need a grocery list to go along with.?

I am starting a new diet and need help with a grocery list! There are other people in my household but I need this just for my self. Please help...If you can help or know of any websites that can help that would be great! So far I have some items down but its seems like Im always buying these items...basic salad, fruits etc...I know its portion control but Im learning alot.I have promised to myself that I am going to stick to this diet but I know easier said than done. If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to ask or tell me.Thank You Yahoo'ers!
Try some rice cakes or 100 calorie packs as well. They make good snacks. If you're buying basic salad make sure you have reduced fat or fat-free dressing to go along with it. LOTS of veggies and fruits, some light and fit yogurt, juice, diet iced tea (crystal light is great), wheat pasta. Stuff like that. Hope this helps. :-)
first off, don't diet, change your lifestyle. how much do you excercise weekly? portion control is important too, as is what goes in your mouth. Forget trying to personalize a diet just for you, that will make your family and you feel like two distinct families. eat what they eat, but in smaller portions. whatever you enjoy eating, eat it, but watch how much of it. again, workout. As for a list, what i recommend is going to walmart and buying yourself some protein powder. Whenever you feel like munching on something, make yourself a protein shake. Also, get yourself a multivitamin. recount: protein shakes as munchers. portion control. multivitamins. and finally, excercise.
Get into the habit of reading everything you pick up in the store. I've been picking up stuff low in calories and fat and definetly sugar. Sugar is was collects in your midsection the fastest. We try to watch what we eat as a family and exercise nightly, whether it be a family walk or just me and the boyfriend working out with weights. Good Luck, you'll do just fine!
Sometimes it is the absence of certain things that make the most difference. Don't consume anything white. Especially sugar. Cut out the red meat, no alcohol, nicotine, caffiene, and start extracting juice twice daily, 10 oz tot of Granny Smith apples, broccoli, beets, carrots, cucumbers, celery, parsley, spinach, and roma tomatos, if you do this every day twice daily for a month you will be shocked at how much better you will look and feel.

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