Saturday, October 31, 2009
I am very lanky. How can I gain Weight without using weight gain pills or powders?
Eat a lot of chicken breast and eggs my friend and you will get big- its basically a substitute for the protein powder. When you eat just make sure there is protein in it. A good serving of protein is above 17Grams perserving. And lift weight, No cardio.
eat fast food and candy and drink a lot of soda
Eat "Zero" candy bars and peanut butter sandwiches. They will pack some weight on you.
Well, this one is kind of a no brainer.EAT!
eat a lot of fatty foods, and alot of carbohydrates, drink cokes and eat right before you go to bed. it would be alot easier and healthier if you took weight gainer and protein and worked out
Forget what other people say about eatting lots of junk food, yeah you will gain weight but it its not the least bit healthy!! Talk to your doctor!! Eat healthy foods and exercize!! I hope this helps!!
Work out at the gym.If you eat a lot of junk food, you will put on fat.If you start working out at the gym,you will start building muscle.
bee propolis athletes use it and it's safe unless you are instructed not to take it maybe as per allergy to bees
Eat food with lots of calories. But make sure they are healthy. For example: mushroom pizza, or steak with mashed patatos. Being lanky is no problem at all, if you eat at least 2500 calories a day, don't exercise, and abstain from green tea, then your metabolism will catch up with you and you may gain a lot of weight.
Eat lots of pizza, chicken wings, french fries,ice cream and drink alot of dark beer. These foods really made me gain alot of weight. Enjoy!
O.K what ever you do please don't take any weight gain pills or powders, you can hurt tour body really bad. I'm really small I ware a size five sometimes six and it is hard to keep weight on. If your very active and always on the run your not going to pick up much weight. I felt the same way you feel now and I went to my doctor and he almost laught at me. Believe it or not we are healthy being small and lanky, I weight 138 at 5'7 and half the people in this world are literally killing themselves to be us. I'm 26 and my doctor said that my body has'nt slowed down yet and that's a very good thing. Exspecially if your over 21 some people are far to big for their frame and they end up with bad health problems. So my advice to you do what I do," EAT WHAT THE HELL YOU WANT TO EAT"! Just make sure you see your doctor for your anual check up twice a year.
I'm also trying to gain weightYou really ought to aim to consume 2500 calories a day especially because you're underweight.
The average person takes in 2000 cals a day, but we need to add 500 to that.Tip: JUNK FOOD is a no-no, this is goes straight to the arteries and is definately not the way to gain healthy weight.These are foods you should look out for and try to eat:Wholemeal bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, peanut butter, mayonaise, nuts, eggs, cheese, milk, butter, fruit, salad dressings etc.Just a little thing like adding an extra dollop of mayonaise to your sandwich will give you a good calorie boost.I've started munching on a pack of peanuts a day along with my regular 3 meals and other odd snacks.
A pack of peanuts contain around 590g...well the regular sized ones, you can buy the bigger ones which weigh about 300g...and therefore have like 1500calories in them, but you won't be able to consume all that in a day LOL!If you want, you can start weight lifting...this builds muscles and muscles weigh more than fat.Anyway, i'm going to stop here because i can feel myself losing calories as i type and i need them to gain weight! Hahaall the best (=
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